Chapter 4

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It took Haeun half an hour to get home in the cold.She wasn't bothered, though because the weather was cold and so was her insides. 
She laid in her bed, with a blanket around her, ignoring her stomach making noises from time to time.
As Haeun was laying in her bed, a sound came from her phone.

She picked it up and it was a message from Jaehyun.

Hey, did u get hime safeky?

Hi and yes.

Ok, goood.
Um, I was just wonderign if you'd lyke to go out on date wiv me?

Haeun was confused, he had already asked her on a date at his apartment, though and his messages had a lot of mistakes.

Jaehyun, are you okay?  you already asked me out at ur apartment, remember?

Did I?
Oh, welk. Im bit drubk rifht now. Can I call u, insted?

Haeun laughed a bit at all those mistakes he made and replied a 'yes' to his message.

Jaehyun called her and yelled into it, "Hello, Haeun!"

"Oh, hello Jaehyun," Haeun flinched as his voice.

"Why did you want to call?" She asked him.

"I just wanted to call you, the guys are gone. And I thought you left kinda rushed, before," He slurred.

"Oh, well, it was pretty dark. And you had company," Haeun made excuses.

"It doesn't matter if the guys are there when you are, I want to stay around you a bit more," Haeun blushed at his words.

Jaehyun carried on, "Haeun, I can't wait for our date, you know. I really want to get to know you."

His voice became lower and his words were coming out slower, so, Haeun could tell he was getting drunk.

"I can't wait, either. Get some sleep, Jaehyun."

"Wait! Can I call you tomorrow, too?"

"Sure, Jaehyun. Bye," Haeun hung up.

She immediately felt more warm, but she kept trying not to.
Jaehyun sounded like a nice guy, but Haeun was far too messed up for anyone to accept.

Although, Haeun was starting to accept the fact that Jaehyun might have been interested in her, but she knew it would be temporary.

Once, Jaehyun had got to know her, he'd do the same thing as everyone other than Doyoung.
Which was to completely forget about her.

Haeun didn't blame anyone for doing that, anymore. Haeun was just uninteresting and it was time to understand that there wasn't anything to change that.

Being talentless for so long doesn't just stop and just having good grades wouldn't make her interesting or change anything.

She's giving Jaehyun less than a week to just forget about her. 5 days, to be precise.

If he stays longer than that, she'd be astonished.

If, somehow, Jaehyun was developing actual feelings, it would be a miracle.

But, miracles don't just happen to anyone. Especially to, talentless and unimportant people.



HeLlO, peOpLe. I don't know what this chapter is, I just haven't been writing a lot the last couple of days.

I don't know wHY I made Jaehyun drunk, but I just ... I dOn'T KnOw, OkAY?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

Any questions for me?

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