Chapter 8

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Two days passed spent with Haeun messaging Jaehyun, constantly.
She had found out quite a lot about his background and family, by now.
She learnt that his family were very accepting but they were cautious about the people Jaehyun was around, him being the only child.

Jaehyun didn't find out a lot about Haeun's childhood, as there was not much to find out, other than that she wasn't accepted, easily and that Doyoung was always there for her.

Jaehyun realised that Haeun probably didn't have a lot of friends in her childhood, as she had never mentioned anyone other than Doyoung, so he was grateful for Doyoung always being by her side.

However, he felt slightly envious that Doyoung had got to spend so much time with her and earnt so much of her trust, but Jaehyun knew they were just friends. 

Right now, Jaehyun was getting ready to hang out with the guys.
Wearing causal jeans and a jumper, he headed to Taeil's house.

When he had got there, he noticed the atmosphere being quiet and gloomy. Jaehyun heard Johnny comforting Taeil and Yuta attempting.

The guys were gathered around the couch, patting Taeil's back.

"What's going on?" Jaehyun asked them.

Yuta stared uncomfortably, "Taeil and his girlfriend got into a little bit of an argument."

"About what?"

"Well ... you and Haeun, actually," Yuta pursed his lips.

Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows and Taeil looked up with a frown on his lips.

"Jaehyun, it's not your fault, really. I'm just stupid. Remember when we all used to do those bets as a joke?" Taeil asked.

Jaehyun nodded, feeling annoyed at himself, remembering the dares and stupidity.

"Ayeong found out about it ages ago and agreed to look past it because she knew we weren't like that anymore.
But, we were just talking about how good you and Haeun would be together, when I laughed and said how dumb you'd be if you'd have given in to what Yuta had said at the party.
It kinda escalated from there and she stormed off," Taeil explained.

Suddenly, Jaehyun felt panicked and widened his eyes at Taeil.

"Does she have Haeun's phone number?" Jaehyun asked.

"No," Taeil replied.

"How about Doyoung's?" Johnny caught on, looking at Taeil, frantically.

"Yeah. Why, what's going on?" Taeil asked, but Jaehyun was running Jaehyun was already running out of the door, to his car.

If Haeun had got the wrong idea, everything would be ruined. He had to get to her, fast.

He tried calling her and to his surprise, she had answered.

"Hey, Jaehyun," She said into the phone.

He felt relieved and sighed.

"Thank God. Listen, if Ayeong or Doyoung tell you anything about me, listen to it but don't think too deep into it. I swear, I'll explain but I'm driving, right now. Just, please, give me a chance. I'll see you, later," Jaehyun spoke quickly, trying to tell her everything before it was too late.

Haeun's voice came out concerned when she spoke,
"Okay, then. I'll speak to you when you get here. Drive safely."

Back at Haeun's place, she was panicking so much. What was he talking about and why had he been taking so long?

Then, there were knocks on the door and she jumped to open it.

There was an out of breath Jaehyun.

She let him in and quickly grabbed him a drink.
After a small sip and a thank you, he began to explain.

Haeun sat on the couch, next to him, waiting patiently.

"Okay, please don't misunderstand but listen carefully," Jaehyun told her.

"A long time ago, the guys and I were young and stupid. We used to do these dares to date girls for a limited amount of time and just tell them we weren't interested in them, but only if we weren't. We stopped that almost 2 years ago, but the night when we met at the party, you left and Yuta said to start it up, again because I was single. Of course, I denied it. But, I just wanted to tell you before someone else did and you didn't believe me," Said Jaehyun.

Haeun stared at her knees, disappointed and sad.

"So, if no one told me, would you have ever told me?" Haeun asked, breathing shakily.

"No, because I didn't go through with it, so there was no point."

"How do I know that?" She questioned.

"Please, trust me," Jaehyun reached for her hands, but she kept them away.

"I don't know you, though. How long was the time limit?"

"Yuta said 15 days, but I told you--"

"We've know each other less than that. What did you bet on? Getting into my pants?" Haeun said, getting teary.

Jaehyun's voice was getting soft at her tears, "No, it was just... please, Haeun. I told you so you could trust me."

"I need you to leave," She turned from him, wiping her eyes.

He put a hand on her shoulder and she walked away from him, to her bedroom.

"Leave," She said, lastly.

Jaehyun's heart broke. Over a girl he knew less than the 15 days, his heart stopped after one tear.

He walked out of her apartment and mentally yelled at himself for being such an asshole, before.

It wasn't his fault, though. He was under so much pressure to take on the company in the past and he was young and dumb.

He deeply regretted it, even though it has never got too far with the girls.

Haeun was at home, laying under her covers and crying quietly.

She knew it was too good to be true, but she was blinded by those damn dimples.
One thing was for sure, she wouldn't hurt herself, this time.

She would allow her heart to mend on its own, this time.


This chapter is a bit weird and maybe confusing. I might edit it tomorrow, but comment if you want any specific changes, too.

To be honest, I feel like this would have suited Taeyong more because of his bad past and how he's trying to make up for it, but Jaehyun has stolen my heart for now.

How are you all?

Any questions for me?

I don't have any questions, sorry. Check out changes to chapter 1, if it will help.

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