Chapter 23

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haeun woke up early and left her apartment to leave for the second workout with the girls. she was surprised at how well she got along with the girls. at first, they were hard to get used to. they're way different to her, and haeun still hasn't got used to it fully, but haeun realised that a lot of girls were similar to them. and a lot of girls were insecure, too. plus, they saved her from a lot of danger.

"haeun, it's so nice to see you!" seoyeon hugged her, tightly.

"yeah, hi guys," haeun smiled, hiding her uncomfortableness at the tight clothes she was wearing. haeun thought it would be okay when she packed it, but the black sports vest hugged her boobs tightly and the leggings gave off much more of her figure than she expected.

"wow, you look great!" mijun awed at her figure.

haeun shook her head, "no, i don't. but i'm hoping to after our workouts!"

"great, i'm trying to tone my body, too," ayeong said, looking down at her small figure. 

after an hour of exercise, haeun thought her limbs were going to break and her muscles would bust out of her skin. the girls were struggling, too, saying it had been a lot time since their last workout.

"guys, i think we should stop here," mijun groaned.

"i'm going to cry if we carry on," ayeong sat up.

"okay, let's hit the showers and grab some fucking food," seoyeon said and the girls waited for haeun to say something.

she stood up and wiped the sweat off her forehead, "workout, my ass!" 

the girls cheered and they walked to the gym showers. haeun didn't notice a man's eyes following her, as she walked away.

the girls began to leave the gym, to a restaurant that mijun recommended and the man from the gym followed them. his eyes were soft, but they hinted a malicious look and his brown hair was brushed forward, unruly. he was wearing a black hoodie and jeans.

he sat alone at a table, watching haeun from afar and he waited till they all were leaving when he decided to leave, too.

when haeun left the restaurant, he did, too and trailed after her.

haeun realised she was being followed and took out her phone to call a cab. she got home, fast and forgot about it; she didn't even tell jaehyun. it was probably just some creep who targeted anyone.

another day, haeun went to a grocery store and saw the same guy, standing against a wall and pretending not to be watching her. haeun hurried in the grocery store.

she decided to call doyoung since she didn't want to bother jaehyun, he was at a meeting, today. and an important one about the rising stocks in his company.

"haeun?" he answered.

"doyoung, are you busy?" she asked, trying to keep her voice at a calm pace.

"oh, didn't I tell you? i'm at saemi's parent's house for a couple days," he sounded excited.

" i'm really sorry. i was just calling for a catch up, i'm just a bit bored," haeun lied.

"well, watch a film or hang out with the girls. i'll be back in two days," doyoung said and hung the phone up.

haeun breathed in and out and continued shopping. after fifteen minutes, she forgot about the man following her as he didn't show up, again.

that is when her trolley crashed into someone's and she let out a loud scream. it was taeyong and he raised his arms frantically, trying to calm her down.

"what the hell?" he said.

"i'm sorry, i'm just a bit spooked. i feel like someone's following me," haeun clutched at her chest to steady her heart beating.

"what?" taeyong said.

"yeah, but i think he's gone. and you're here, now, to protect me," she grinned widely.

"always," he winked.

"so, what are you doing here?" haeun asked, stupidly.

he looked at her, dumb-founded, "shopping for groceries?"

"oh, well, that was stupid. hey, our apartments close to here, why don't you come over?" haeun asked.

"you live with jae, now?" taeyong raised his eyebrows.

"yeah," haeun nodded. 

"okay, i'll come over. we can cook something," taeyong said. "oh, shoot, i forgot something."

"i'll wait here," she told him.

haeun looked at her list and looked around for some flour, it was on the top shelf and haeun was a bit small.

she reached up and hovered her hand around to grab it when someone came behind her and pulled it down for her.

haeun looked back and saw a strange man smirking at her. she realised it was the same man who had been following her, his eyes looks familiar.

"mm, haven't seen you in a while," he whispered. "you wouldn't believe my shock when i saw you in the gym with those girls. you look better than ever."

his hand moved to her cheek and pinned her arm down. 

"jinhyuk?" haeun breathed.

"that's right. so, you and taeyong, huh?" jinhyuk said. "i should have known."

"get off me, asshole," haeun tried pushing him back. he held her arm, tighter, making haeun wince at the harsh contact.

"god, i remember the times when we were younger. when i used to pin you against your bedroom wall and fuck you," jinhyuk whispered in her ear and gripped her even tighter when she resisted more.

"let me go, now," she said. 
shouldn't taeyong be back by now? and shouldn't the security cameras be seeing this? haeun thought.

"no, i've missed this so much. you were always so good to toy with," he snarled and haeun was sure there'd be a bruise left from how hard he gripped her. 

suddenly, jinhyuck was pushed off of her and into the shelves by taeyong.

"jinhyuck?" taeyong looked at him and to haeun. 

haeun straightened up and taeyong held her hand and left, haeun stopped at punched him in the face, before taeyong grabbed her and pushed her out of the store.

"haeun!" taeyong yelled.

"what? didn't you do this stuff, daily, before?" she spat, harshly. "i'm sorry, you were just trying to help-"

"don't. let's go to your place and order some take out, on me," taeyong put an arm around her shoulder. "and some ice on your hand."

haeun laughed and walked with him.


istg, this girl has been through so much shit. i love writing angst, for some reason smh.

hope you all liked this chapter!

how's quarantine been for you all? what y'all been getting up to? hope you're all being safe and stuff! 

enjoy your day, bye!

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