Chapter 17

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the last time haeun had seen jaehyun had been two days ago, when they had spent the whole day together.

haeun woke up, feeling happy. she couldn't wait to see jaehyun, later. she remembered him walking her home and when he had kissed her on the cheek, butterflies swarmed in her stomach and she giggled like a child.

jaehyun had chuckled at her and said, "there'll be more of that, in the future," and he winked and left.

today, their plans were to just hang out and watch a movie, because they always went out.

haeun had a shower and got ready to go to the café before jaehyun came over.

haeun made her way to the café and ordered two iced coffee's, when she turned her head to the side and saw mijun, ayeong and seoyeon sitting at a table.

haeun tried avoiding them to not make things awkward, but mijun had spotted her and called her name.

haeun looked to the side and smiled, "hey." she waved as the girls beckoned her to go over when haeun received the coffees.

"hey, haeun! what are you doing here?" ayeong asked.

"what does it look like she's doing here, ayeong? buying coffee," seoyeon rolled her eyes.

haeun chuckled.

"sit," mijun said, and pulled out a chair.

"oh, no. I have to go, now," haeun smiled.

"why? why don't we have a girl's day, today? we can get to know each other and hang out! it'll be really fun," seoyeon smiled.

haeun thought about it, it would be nice to get along with the girls. they seemed nice and were jaehyun's best friend's girlfriends, so it would be awkward if they didn't get along.

"sure," haeun agreed.

"great, we were planning to go shopping for a couple hours, maybe to a restaurant, then to a club to party!" mijun said, excitedly.

"sounds good, I should go and get changed, then," haeun said.

"why don't we come with you? it'll save you the trouble of rushing and having to find us," ayeong suggested.

"sure, you can come see my apartment," haeun smiled and followed them to seoyeon's car.

the ride was short, but filled with singing and laughing to twice and red velvet songs.

haeun took them up to her apartment where they bumped into jaehyun standing outside her door, with his hands in his pockets.

haeun widened her eyes and walked over to him, "hey, have you been waiting long?"

she unlocked the door and let the girls in, who waited at the couch.

"not really, about five minutes. I was starting to get worried, though. what's going on?" he asked, looking at the girls and back at haeun.

"well, I went to get some coffees for us, and they were there and asked me to hang out for the day," haeun said.

"we had plans," jaehyun frowned.

"i'm sorry."

"I haven't seen you in two days. I wanted to stay indoors with you and cuddle while watching a film," he pouted.

haeun poked his cheek and squished his face, "big babie. why don't you spend the night, then?"

"are you going to be back late?" jaehyun asked.

"maybe, we're going clubbing later," haeun told him.

"ooh, is that so? well, don't wear something too sexy and don't get too drunk," jaehyun tightly hugged her and leaned his head in the crook of her neck.

"thanks for the coffee," he said and was about to leave when haeun grabbed his arm.

he looked back, confused. haeun smiled and kissed him on the lips, "bye."
jaehyun smirked, goofily, and left.

haeun turned around, completely forgetting that there were guests watching.

"i'm sorry, it was rude of me to just forget like that," haeun grinned.

"bro, stop talking to us so formally. we're your friends," mijun said.

her and johnny were a lot alike, their way of talking, body language and expressions. they seemed perfect.

"okay," haeun laughed.

"and it's fine. we know what it's like to be madly in love with a guy, too. and we can see that he loves you, too," ayeong smiled happily.

"I don't know," haeun said.

"trust us. he loves you. you too are so cute," seoyeon said.

"we know the boys have had a kinda immature past, but they're really good people now. jaehyun is the heir to a great, successful company and the rest have growing companies or careers. also, they're kind and respectful," mijun comforted her.

"I know, that. i'm just a bit wary. but i'm sure that jaehyun would never do that to anyone, anymore," haeun smiled, causing the rest of the girls to smile, too.

haeun and the girls went to haeun's bedroom and helped her pick out an outfit.

as they would be out the whole day, it would be stupid to dress in a nightclub outfit, now. so the girls picked out an outfit that haeun could wear the whole day, and during clubbing.

they picked a black, flowy dress that stopped at just over her knees; it revealed some cleavage and was sleeveless. it embraced haeun's curves, too.

she forgot she had it there, haeun remembered impulse buying it, one day, but coming home upset and shoving it in the back of her closet.

"woah, you look hot!" ayeong clapped.

"really?" haeun looked at herself in the mirror. she thought she looked too big and ugly.

"no, I can't wear this," haeun frowned.

"why not? it looks great! for now, you could wear a coat over it, so you wouldn't look over-dressed at the mall," seoyeon told her.

"but, I look fat," haeun said.

"no, you don't. you're not fat, at all! you've a great body, and tonight, you're going to embrace it. we all are," mijun announced.

haeun smiled, nervously looking at the proud girls.

oh, no, she thought as she hopped in the car.

again, seoyeon played girl group songs and haeun brought out her phone to message jaehyun.

make sure to have your phone on loud and with you at all times!

why? is there a problem?

no, just if I get scared or something and I need you to pick me up.

if you get scared or nervous, i'm not picking you up. 

why? you're mean!

because, you will have fun today! the girls are great and fun, too. they'll know your limits and look after you. they all have my number, too. 

don't stress :)


haeun put her phone back in her pocket and listened to feel special playing in the car and the girls singing along.

how ironic, she thought.


a chapter with the girls and haeun!

hope you liked this chapter.

how are you all?

and ask me some questions, i'm bored :/

have a good day! expect chapter eighteen tomorrow or the day after!


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