Chapter 12

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It was early morning when Jaehyun had woken up. He heard cluttering and jumped up to see what was going on.

He walked into Haeun's room and saw her practically inside her closet, throwing clothes onto the floor and groaning, annoyed.

He rubbed his eyes and smiled a little.

"What's going on?" He yawned.

She gasped and clutched her chest, with widened eyes, "Jeez, you scared me. Um, I'm looking for an outfit."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "For what?"

Jaehyun stomped over to her bed and threw himself into the thick, fluffy blankets that smelt of Haeun's lime and apple shower gel. 

He smiled and snuggled into it.

"Um, do you want to go on a date, today?" She bit on her lip and looked away, embarrassed.

"Yeah, that would be great!" Jaehyun blushed.

Haeun smiled, sheepishly and looked over at Jaehyun snuggling the blanket and closing his eyes.

She threw a pillow at him and he jerked his eyes open, "Ow!"

"Don't fall asleep! You should take a shower or something. And maybe go home and change?" She smiled.

"But I don't want to..." He whined. "Okay, I'll go home and clean up, but I'm coming back in a couple hours!"

After Jaehyun had left, Haeun cleaned up a bit and had already picked an outfit.

She was about to take a shower when she had received a message from Doyoung.

Hey, Saemi and I are meeting for breakfast and she wants you to come with us!
Are you free, rn?

                                             Omg, I'd love to! Where r u guys gonna be?

Max's, meet you there at 8?
                                                                                         Sounds goooooddd.

Haeun was beyond excited. She has barely seen Doyoung this week, so he must have really liked this girl.

Momma Haeun vibes were kicking in. Was she a nice girl? Did she treat him right? Haeun hoped she made Doyoung happy.

The downfall was that Haeun had to find another outfit.

She groaned but she ended up picking out a cute hoodie and plain jeans and her trusty vans.

She got into the shower and let the water run.
The hot water was hitting all the right places and relieving so much stress on her muscles.

Towards the end of her shower, she switched the water to cold, like her normal routine, to wake herself up.

She blow-dried her hair, lotioned her body and changed into her clothes. She also added some lip gloss and mascara to her face.

It was 7:40, so Haeun had enough time to get to the breakfast place and be early.

She had got there and already seen Doyoung sitting at a table, laughing with a girl. Haeun's face brightened and she walked over to them.

Doyoung stood up send pulled out a chair for her. She sat in it and immediately looked at Saemi.

"Hey, I'm Haeun," She said, observing her features.
Saemi had a small figure, but she was tall and her facial features were cute. Her lips were round and a bit thin, her eyes weren't too wide but they were also round and her cheekbones stood out.

Her smile was nice, too, "I'm Saemi, nice to finally meet you."

"Has Doyoung been lying to you about me?" Haeun laughed.

"Um, I'm not sure they're lies. They seem pretty convincing."

"Oh, yeah? What's he said?"

"That when you were 14, you both were running around the block and you had a fight with a mailbox," Saemi snorted.

"Oh, my God! Doyoung!" Haeun smiled.

"I still can't believe that happened!"

"How did it happen?" Saemi asked.

"Well, it was late at night, and like he told you, we were running around the blocks and I slipped and hit my cheek against a mailbox. So, I started yelling at it and I kicked it. Then, it fell and crushed my toe," Haeun explained.
Saemi and Doyoung were dying of laughter.

The breakfast went really well. Saemi seemed so nice and gentle. She understood that Haeun and Doyoung were like siblings and that their love for one another wasn't one that would change, and she admired that.
They even exchanged phone numbers at the end.

When Saemi had gone to the toilet, you spoke to to Doyoung about Jaehyun.

"Another date? You forgave him fast," Doyoung smiled. "Did you both ... do it?"

Haeun slapped his chest, "No, asshole! But, there's something weird going on, this time."

"What do you mean?"

"I really like him, Do. Like, I think about him all the time and I feel so brave and confident around him that I don't even recognise who I am! And I'm starting to wear mascara and skirts!"

Doyoung smiled, "Oh, my God. Haeun, that's great!"

"Yeah, it is but it's terrifying. We even kissed!"

"Haeun, this is amazing. Let's go on a double date, soon."

Doyoung wouldn't stop talking about it until it was time to go.

You went back to the apartment and saw Jaehyun sitting outside on the floor, looking grumpy.

"Where the hell have you been?" He asked.

"I met up with Doyoung and his girlfriend. Have you been sitting out here the whole time?" Haeun tried not to laugh.

"Yes! Where's your phone?"

"I turned it off, sorry. Oh, wow. 12 missed calls and 10 messages?"

She turned her phone on to see a bunch of messages from Jaehyun.

"Cute, you were worried," She squished his cheeks and Jaehyun failed on trying to be angry.

"What are we doing today?" She asked him, entering the apartment.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, I have to go see a friend. He wants to meet you, too. Do you want to come?"

The thought scared Haeun a bit, but she agreed.

"Yeah, I'd love to. When are we going?"

Haeun nodded and followed Jaehyun to his car.


Hey, readers.

Hope you liked this chapter, but it was a bit boring to write.

Who do you think the friend will be?
I think it's quite obvious, but whatever.

My updates will be quite slow, though for a while.
Bear with me!


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