Chapter 5

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The next morning, Haeun didn't deny that she was excited for her date tomorrow, so she called Doyoung.

"What?" He said into the phone.

Haeun struggled telling him, "Doyoung, I need your help. Jaehyun and I are going on a date, tomorrow!"

"I'm coming over right now, give me 15 minutes."
It took Doyoung ten minutes to get there.

He knocked on the door loudly and Haeun walked to answer it.

Doyoung smirked and walked inside.

"Let's go shopping for an outfit, then," Doyoung suggested.


They went to the shopping centre and to various shops, Haeun didn't really like all the girly outfits Doyoung was showing her.

She would have been fine with a skirt because Jaehyun had already seen her legs, but not a tight dress or something.

A tight dress would make her chest look suffocated and Haeun would feel like she'd pop at any second.

Haeun had had enough, "Doyoung, I just want to look casual. We aren't going for dinner or dancing. I'll be fine with skirts, but nothing more."

Doyoung sighed and pulled her to another shop were the clothes were more her.

"Why didn't you take me here, first?" She asked him.

"Because, Haeun, one day, you need to know where all the fancy clothes are. Just in case."

Finally, Haeun found an outfit and Doyoung was more than pleased at the fact that it was a dress.

The dress was cute, though, it was a bib dress and, of course, Haeun was wearing a mustard yellow sweater underneath.
The outfit was cute, however.

After they ate, Doyoung tried convincing Haeun to get some make up.
"I already wear make up!" Haeun said.

"Barely, you wear some concealer, mascara and lip gloss. And you occasionally get your eyebrows filled in!" He said.

"I don't want any more."

"You don't need anymore," Doyoung smiled.
Haeun looked at him, confused and he laughed.

"Haeun, you don't need to wear make up, as it is. I was trying to tick you off and try to get you to defend yourself some more. You're really disappointing me."

"Youngie, when have I ever defended myself on my looks?" Haeun smiled.

"Gosh, you'd think that once you know someone likes you, you'd be more confident about yourself."

"He doesn't like me, yet. We're getting to know each other."

"Well, how do you feel about him?" Doyoung asked her, which really made her wonder.

"I don't really know. Jaehyun is attractive, very attractive, and he seems really nice and funny, but I don't know him. I can't trust him so easily," Haeun told him.

"I understand. All I can do is assure you that he's a good guy, but you'll have to find out for yourself."

Doyoung really did understand though, after everything she had been through, he hoped Jaehyun wouldn't hurt her like he knew Jaehyun wouldn't. But, he would still have to make sure.

Haeun suddenly had a smile on her face and turned to him, "Doyoung, don't you have a love life for yourself?"

Doyoung went red, "Well... there's this girl."

Haeun jumped and grabbed his (wide ass) shoulders,
"What girl?!"

Doyoung pushed her away and smiled with just the thought of her,
"A couple days ago, I went to get some coffee on my own, and there was this really pretty girl sitting at the table opposite me. I kept staring at her and she caught me!
I got really flustered and she came to my table and we just started talking. I went to the coffee shop, the next day and saw her again.
We message and call  each other a lot, now."

Haeun smiled widely at the admiring look on Doyoung's face.

It was as if he had known the girl for years and was getting married to her.
"Well, what's her name?" Haeun asked him.

"Lee Saemi."

The name repeated in her head, just to get the hang of it.

"I want to meet her," Haeun said .
Doyoung's face turned pale but agreed.

After an hour, Haeun was at home, sitting in her bathtub.
She glanced at the long pink scars on her arms and legs.

At least they were fading away, but she knew she would peel them off again.
It would be so much easier to feel loved and be relaxed.

To be the actual person she showed everyone, the calm person who seems like she doesn't care what anyone says.

If only, it were that easy. Haeun knew it wasn't easy for everyone, but it's better to be skinny than thick.
You can show off your body and wear swimsuits, tight dresses and party with people.
You can also go on dates or just hang out with people.

Haeun has never had a close girl friend before, let alone a clique.

She was grateful for Doyoung and happy that he had found someone who was interested in him.

Haeun always thought that Doyoung rarely dated girls because of her, because he didn't want her to be lonely or sort of rub it her her face that he had someone who loved him.

The only time he had dated a girl was when Haeun had her boyfriend.
They ended because she didn't understand that Doyoung was Haeun's best friend and had to fight for her when Haeun was upset about her boyfriend situation.

The girl was jealous and angry at Doyoung for not spending time with her and ended it. However, Doyoung hid that he was upset.

He had told Haeun that he was glad and would find a girl who understood that Haeun was the most important person to him, despite his family.

She hoped Saemi doesn't break his heart, too.


Hello, everyone!

How is your day, today?

How did you like this chapter?
I kinda enjoyed it, actually, it was nice to write some of Doyoung and Haeun's friendship.
I'm trying to make it really strong and special, so bear with me!

Any questions?

For you: what's your biggest fear?

For you: would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak all foreign languages?

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