Chapter 35

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 The next day after going home in the car after waiting to find out who my secret admirer was and then got stood up, made me think about it almost the whole time on my way to school on the bus. While I was thinking, Chrissie and Chelsea were chit-chatting a way, until they stopped talking and decided to ask me a question. "Hey Luna?"

"Yes?" I answered back.

        "We were just wondering, do you have an idea why your admirer didn't meet up with you yesterday after school?"

"Honestly I don't know, I've been trying to figure out why and cannot think of a reason." I replied.

        "Ah I see, so you're not sure what had happened." Chelsea replied.

 "What do you possibly know why?" I replied.

        "No, just wanted to make sure everything was clear." Chelsea replied.

"Oh ok." I replied. After that we spent the rest of the bus ride silent until we got to the school. Then after that we said goodbye to each other and then I went off to my locker. Then once I got to my locker, I found another blue sticky note on my locker. When I saw this, I thought, "Really? Are you serious? Right now I don't want to deal with this jerk, so I'm not going to read this." Once I thought that, I decided that I actually want to read the note. The note read,

                                Hey Luna, sorry that I didn't come to the track yesterday like I said I would. It's just that I wanted our meeting to be just me and you, so when I saw that you had your friend with you, I got scared. So can we try this again after school? This time don't bring any of you friends please.

                                                ~your secret admirer.

After I read this, it all clicked. For the longest time I thought that possibly Kyle was my secret admirer, but then after reading this, I changed my mind on who it is that likes me. Now I don't know who it is because it's someone that likes me, but doesn't want my friends to know. "Hey Luna, what's going on?" Chrissie said to me, as she snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh uh, I found out why my admirer didn't come yesterday." I stated.

        "Really? How did you find out? Did he leave you another note?" Chrissie replied.

"Yeah he left me another note." I replied.

        "Wow, this guy has guts to do such a thing, so what did the note say?" Chrissie asked.

"It said that he was sorry that he didn't come to the track, because he only wanted me to be at the track with no friends nearby. So he wants to meet up with me after school again, this time I can't bring any of my friends." I replied.

        "Seriously? That's the reason? Wow this is a very interesting guy. You know this means that he's a coward." Chrissie replied.

"Yeah I don't think that's the reason why he doesn't want friends nearby when we meet up. I think it's because he doesn't want to admit that he likes me. So that's why he doesn't want any of my friends with me." I replied. 

        "Wait, are you saying that it's someone we know, but they act like they don't like you?" Replied Chrissie.

        "Yes, so far I think that it could be either James or Nathan." I replied.

"Really? You think so, but why James or Nathan? What about Vlad, didn't he tell you that he likes you?" Chrissie replied.

        "Yeah Vlad did tell me, but one the first time I got a note from this person was on the day that Vlad tried to kill both me and my teacher, also later he tried it again. Two, Vlad's not here so it can't be him. Here are the reasons why I think its either Nathan or James, is that James jumped yesterday when we went to find out where Vlad was, so he could have been making me something when we came over.-"

Luna, A shape shifter's tale, Mysterious happenings (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now