Chapter 41

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As Chrissie and I went looking for James, I started to wonder, "Perhaps the reason why Vlad wasn't on the bus could be that he didn't want me to bug him." After I thought about that Chrissie and I found James getting his things out of his locker for our first period class. Seeing that he was busy and not paying attention, we both then decided that we would wait to ask him about Vlad until he was done getting his things out of his locker. Once he was done getting his things out, Chrissie and I walked over to him, and said, "Hey James, what's up?"

"Oh uh hi ladies. Not much has happened." James said to us.

        "Really? That's interesting, where's Vlad?" Chrissie said as she got to the point of why we were bothering him. 

"Uh what do you mean?" James replied looking confused.          

        "You told me that Vlad would be back in two weeks, it's been two weeks, where's Vlad?" I replied.

"Oh I should have also mentioned that he will be back in the middle of this week." James replied.

        "So pretty much he will be back Wednesday." I replied feeling a bit irritated.

"Yes, sorry I forgot to mention that." James replied.

        "Ok, well thanks for telling me that." I replied and then walked to where my locker was. "Luna?" 

"Yes James?" I replied, as I figured that our little conversation wasn't over yet.

        "I noticed that you no longer have a cast on your arm." James replied.

"Oh yeah uh, I got it off Saturday.  The doctor was surprised that I healed quickly, because I technically have two more weeks until it was suppose to come off. I don't care though, I'm just happy that it's off." I replied.

        "Whoa, that's crazy, Vlad wasn't joking about how you have abilities that other shape shifter don't have! Although it's nice to know that your arm is doing better. By the way Vlad still thinks it's his fault that you got hurt by his dad. He knew what his dad was capable of doing and didn't stop him." James replied.

"Oh... well if he didn't take my friend as a hostage then yeah none of this would of happened." I replied a bit angry.

        "You make a good point, but just letting you know, Vlad's dad isn't someone to mess with and I know that for a fact. Also even though I don't know all the details; Vlad's dad has to do with why Vlad isn't at school right now." James replied.

"Really? How do you know that?" I replied.

        "Well I overheard my parents talking about it and Vlad told me that his dad was the reason why he's gone." James replied.

"Oh, did he mention anything else?" I asked.

        "Yeah, he said that he would explain why he was gone for so long, when he gets back. The way it sounded on the phone, it sounded like he didn't want to talk about it at the moment when we were talking." James replied.

"Oh ok, thanks for the information." I replied and then James said, "You're welcome." And then he went into our first period class. Once he was gone, I quickly got all my materials for class out of my locker and then went to first period.

                                                        *** later at lunch ****

"So we have to wait until Wednesday to find out why Vlad has gone missing." Chrissie replied as we sat down at our usual lunch table to eat lunch. "Pretty much." I replied.

"I just can't believe it. What's going on here?" I'm seriously confused as to what has happened in the past few weeks." Chrissie replied. 

        "That is something that I want to know. Honestly I've been thinking about this for a while, you know how I can see people's emotions when their emotions are really strong?" I asked Chrissie.

"Yeah." Chrissie replied. 

        "Well I was thinking about trying to learn how to use that ability to discern if someone is lying." I replied.

"Really? How are you going to do that?" Chrissie asked me.

        "Well my dad has the ability to know if someone is lying through their emotions. So I was thinking that he could teach me how to do that." I replied.

"Oh that's interesting, also now I know that all those times I lied to your dad, didn't work because he saw right through me. So what does this have to do with what has happened in the past few weeks?" Chrissie replied.

        "Well if I can learn how to find out if someone is lying through their emotions, then maybe I can tell if Vlad's lying to us or not." I replied.

"Oh my gosh!" That's a smart idea!" Chrissie exclaimed happily. 

        "Yeah I know, but the thing is, I don't know how long it will take me to learn how to know if someone is lying." I replied.

"Pretty much we can't use the technique when we see Vlad on Wednesday." Chrissie stated.

        "Yeah sadly." I replied.

"That's alright, maybe we can make him swear not to lie to us." Chrissie replied.

        "Maybe, maybe." I replied. After I said that the lunch bell rang to let us know that lunch time was over and that we should head back to class. As Chrissie and I heard this, we noticed that we hadn't eaten any of our lunch, so we ate as much of our lunch as we could quickly and then somewhat ran to class.

Luna, A shape shifter's tale, Mysterious happenings (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now