A Re-introduction

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"Your team leader is Aaron hotchner, his office is just at the top of the stairs"

She said turning around and walking away. Hotchner? Where have I heard that name befo-. Then I remembered.  Oh no, Aaron hotchner!

You stand at the bottom of the stairs looking at the closed door of the office just in front of you. It takes you a few minutes to muster up the courage to approach the door.

You walk up the stairs and stand in front of the door not knocking yet. You look around the bullpen and see emily with a large group of people all sitting around a clump of desks. She sends you a comforting smile and a thumbs up. Before you knew it you were knocking on the door.

"Come in" said a mascualin voice from behind the door.

Your palms started to sweat, you weren't able to process the words you had just heard. You hold the door handle in your hand but dont yet have to courage to open it. Emily comes running up the stairs and grabs you by the shoulders

"Come on (y/n)! You got this!" She says smiling.

She opens the door for you, shoves you into the room and closes the door behind you. Aaron hasnt looked up from his paperwork yet so You look around the office for a good few seconds. The walls are a boring tint of grey, not many pictures put up, moving to his desk you see picture frames, not knowing what they are because there facing him. Your eyes travel to his bookcase, seeing pictures of a little boy with Aaron sitting on a park bench. You were so caught up in looking around you didn't realize Aaron was trying to get your attention.

"Mam? Hello? Can I help you?" He said angrily.

He doesn't remember you? You look at the aggravated man with a saddened gaze and a quivering lip. You take in how much hes changed. Hes not as pale now, hes gained a fair bit of muscle judging by how tight his suit sleeves are, they fit his figure, hugging every nook and cranny of his arms. His eyes got darker, more cold. The only thing that seemed to be the same was his hair. The style always seemed to suit him, the perfect amount out of strands hanging onto his forehead, with a few hairs standing at the back.

"Yes sir, I am supossed to start here today" you said.

You were trying to seem confident. You knew he saw right through it. He leaned back in his chair, placing his pen down, and giving you a glare. The glare that always seemed to frighten a part of you. But, not this time. His eyes scanned over your body, a few seconds later, your eyes meet. You see  a lightbulb go off in his mind. He knows who you are now, but he doesn't acknowledge it.

"Ok, please have a seat" he exclaims

You sit in the leather chair in front of his desk. His name plate reads "SSA Aaron Hotchner". It looks like it has been cleaned recently. He takes care of his office. Not one book out of place, his furniture all in perfect lining with each other, and every picture frame had it's own section. His desk is the center of destruction. Papers among papers, all stacked on top of each other, filling his desk surface. Aaron went to move his arm, but knocked into a short stack of files, knocking over a picture. The picture revealed Aaron, the same boy that was sitting with him in the last photo, but there was someone new. A blond woman. Shoulder length hair, soft eyes and a beautiful smile. You pick up the photo and admired it, Aaron watching you closely.

"That's my family, the little boy is my son jack, and that is hailey, my wife" he said pointing to the attractive blond.

Your lips started to quiver again. You feel relief, happy for him. But you also feel hurt. You look at him, and your eyes meet.

"I missed you (y/n)."

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