(Y/n).... It's Jack...

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Looking into his deep brown eyes, you feel like your floating

And somehow.....

You float to his lips....

You and Emily have spent about 2 weeks in London together, but Emily has been really distant towards you. You never told Emily about your moment with Aaron, because there's nothing there, the moment ment nothing to you. Telling Emily what happened will only give her more reason to ignore you, so you pushed aside the moment.

You wake up to the sun in your face, warming your soft skin. Looking to the other side of the bed, you notice Emily is already gone. Her pillows are set upwards with her nightgown thrown on top. You sigh, taking in another morning alone. Getting out of bed, you go to the bathroom, looking into the mirror. Your hair is thrown to the back of your head, keeping it out of your face. You washed all your makeup of before going to bed, so your face is clean and smooth, but you see some ache starting to appear. You use the toilet before grabbing your phone and heading down to the kitchen.

On the counter lays a empty, already used cup of coffee, and a container of sugar. Putting away the container and cleaning the mug, your phone starts to ring. Picking up your phone from the counter you look at the name at the top of the screen, seeing the name 'Aaron' lit up. Ignoring the call you put your phone down and continue cleaning the counter. You walk to the fridge, opening the door before you hear your phone go off again. The ringing annoys you, so you walk over and put your phone on silent.

Grabbing the orange juice from your fridge, your pour yourself a cup and gulp the cold substance down. The pulp gets stuck in your throat, so you slightly choked. After you finished your cold drink, you put your cup in the sink and run upstairs to get dressed. You throw on a pair of black leggings and a thick blue hoodie, along with some black Fils. Your all dressed when you grab your phone and purse, leaving for work.

"Agent (y/l/n)! Good morning!" Clyde says as you enter the lift

"Clyde, hello" you sigh rolling your eyes

"Ruff night?" He asks

"Isn't it always?" You ask sarcastically

"Alright then" he mumbles

You arrive at your floor and the doors fly open, revealing emily.

"Hey babe, I didn't see you this morning?" You mention

"I had an early meeting" she says looking past you

"Ok well, see you tonight?" You ask

"Yea" she says walking around you

You start to walk away, but before you were fully gone you hear Clyde's snarky remark.

"Well she's just peachy" he huffs

You miss the team, and your old house, your family, but most of all you miss Aaron. You don't want to answer the phone because that will let Aaron win, and you really need a win right now.

You enter your office and set your bag down. Just another day in the office.

*************6 months later*************

*beep* *beep* *beep*

"SHIT!!" You yell

Last night you and emily had a huge fight which led to you sleeping on the couch. To make your life so much better your now late for work. You jump off the couch and throw on some clothes and leave your flat, running to your car.

You get to your building and run into the empty lift. You get to enjoy the piece for about 2 seconds before the door flys open, revealing your girlfriend. The silence lasts not even a second before more arguments start.

"Are you over yourself yet?" She asks

"What do you mean 'over yourself'? Your the one with the stick up her ass" you laugh

"Me? I have a stick up my ass because I like spending time by myself? Hah Guess hotch really enjoys anal" she says smiling and rolling her eyes

"Again with hotch! Stop bringing him into our problems!" You argue

Just as you finish your sentence the doors fly open for you to step out, so you do. You ignore Emily as you race off the lift and to your office, throwing the door closed behind you.

Almost everything you do, emily's on your case about it and it's starting to really piss you off. You put down your bag, grab a mug of coffee and sit behind your desk. Just as your getting settled you notice your phone vibrating. Picking up the small device you read one name

Declining the call you throw it down, and bury your head in your hands, beginning to cry. Being with Emily has really drained you, and you just need an escape.

You pick up your phone and go into contacts. Your about to press the call button when your door opens.

"Agent, you have a visitor" your receptionist says

"Bring them in" you say

Your head ducks down again. Hearing quick footsteps approach your office the door flys open once more.

"(Y/n)!" Someone exclaims

Your head shoots up

"Aaron...What are you doing here?" You question

"(Y/n).... It's Jack"

*************To Be Continued ************

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