No Matter What

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Seeing your family again, being able to hug them, its going to be amazing. You can't wait

"As ready as i'll ever be"

It's time. You and Emily arrived at the BAU. Emily jumps out of her car and grabs your chair from the back seat, assembling it the way you had instructed earlier. Once the seat was put together you get help to wobble out of the car and into the chair in front of you. When you enter the building, you caught security's attention, and they just look at you and give a weak smile and open the door for you and your friend. The elevator kind of scared you, because when you were on your way up, it stopped at floor 3, holding a long pause before continuing its path, and then, you hear the ding. 

"Here we go" Emily sighs rolling you off the lift

Emily puts her back against the door to open it, and she pulls you with her. Entering the doors you see the team all sitting at Reid and JJ's desk, the only people missing are Aaron and Rossi. Rolling over to the desks you see them all rise, looking at you with sad eyes. 

"Oh kitten" Garcia cry's out 

"How are you feeling?" asks Morgan making eye contact with you 

"Pain, pain and more pain..but I'm pushing through" you say in a whisper 

Just as you finish your sentence you see Rossi open his office door and walk out. He spots you and smiles, holding up his index finger, indicating to give him a second. His feet take him down the catwalk and outside of Aaron's door and that's when you see him. This was your first time seeing him since you kicked him out of your hospital room. In the time you two have been away from each other you know that Aaron's changed, but your not sure if you should be worried about him or be happy for him. In the middle of your thoughts, your attention was caught by Rossi, who's now standing right in front of you. 

"Hey kiddo" he smiles at you 

"Hey Rossi" you say grabbing his hand 

Everybody was welcoming you back, other then one person, Aaron. Most of the visit is the team talking, and you pretending your listening, but in reality your watching Aaron. You watch his movements closely. His hand runs over the flat surface of the desk as he fills out paper among paper, flipping them over when finished. His hair has gotten longer, he has not even had it cut your guessing, but to be sure, you call your favorite genius over.

"Hey reid" you whisper shout 

"Whats up?" he asks 

"Him" you throw your head towards Aaron "Give me an update" 

"Well, in total hes left the office 15 times since you were admitted, that is including cases, only slept 11 nights, hasn't gotten a hair cut, showers here in the office and he only sees jack when Jessica brings him over here. He's going downhill (y/n)" he sighs  

"Can you do me a favor?" you ask him 


"Get Emily for me. I can't raise my voice yet" you smile 

"Of course" he laughs 

He gets Emily's attention and tells her you need her. She walks over to you and bends down beside you to be able to hear better. 

"I need you to do something" you tell her


"Roll me upstairs" you say, keeping your eyes fixed on Aaron 

"Oh, (y/n) that might not be a good idea" she says 

"Please" you beg

"Fine, but I'm waiting outside" she huffs 

You chair is getting closer to the ramp attached to the stairs, and Emily starts pushing you up. When you reach the door Emily goes to knock, but you put your finger up, signalling her to wait. She pauses, waiting for your go ahead, and then you nod your head, telling her to do it. She knocks her pale fist on the door, only to here the same greeting as every other time. 

"Come in" he mumbles

Emily swings open the door, pushing your chair in

"Sir you have a visitor" she says plainly 

His head rises, as he looks at you his eyes grow bigger. He drops his pen an looks you up and down. You follow his eyes, starting at your feet and up to your face. When you notice he's done looking you over you ask Emily to wait outside, and she does as asked, closing the door behind her. 

"Hello Aaron" you say 

"(y/n)..." he says in a big sigh "H...How are you feeling?" 

"Like I should. Pain, upset. Specially since my best friend wasn't there for me when I needed him the most." you cry out 

"I wanted to be there, please believe that, I wanted to, but I just couldn't" he cry's "When I came for you, and saw you the way I did, It broke me. It killed me to know that I was the reason you were so broken, so bruised. And I didn't know what to do with myself, and I still don't" he says  

There were tears in his eyes as he walks over to you, kneeling in front of you. His hand grabbed yours, and when his skin touched your that's when you loose all control. The tears started flowing down your face as soft sobs left your lips. His hands go to your back as you loose control of your body. Remembering you have scars on your back, he lightly holds you, holding your body against his as you start to fall forwards. Finally you stop your crying. His legs must be getting sore, so he grabs you from below your armpits, and pulls you up so your somewhat standing, but he is holding all your weight with his two hands.  

You stand there in his embrace, feeling his warmth against your arms and face. You really missed him, the feeling of him holding you and telling you everything was going to be OK, it always felt right. His lips went up to your forehead and planted a kiss on your hairline, but as you stand there getting the attention you really needed...

The door opened....

"Hey ba-" 

In walked a woman

You have lost Aaron to girls before, but you need Aaron now more then ever. Your never loosing Aaron again.....Aaron has always been your everything and your not about to loose the only thing you have left. 

Your never loosing him again..

No matter what

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