The Blood

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but you forgot about one thing......                                               
your not alone in all of this...

and that's when you saw the blood......


Wow, so much blood. Everywhere.

You admire the blood. And then you hear it. A screaming infant. A blond woman lay on a table, trousers down to her ankles and blood all over her thighs and the wooden table below. You had just helped delivered your first baby. You being in the FBI was amazing and all, but before you thought about this job, you always wanted to be a doctor. So, you went to school. Studied and worked your ass off, and it paid off. You graduated and tried your first job. But you were stuck in an office all day. You didnt like that, so you went to the academy. You and Aaron enterd the academy at the same time, just not the same one. Before Aaron went to training he wanted to be a lawyer, but he didnt like that either. So, one way or another you could say the universe pulled you to back together.

The baby was relentless, laying in a blanket in reids arms, screaming and crying. The beautiful boy lays perfectly still, while continuing its commotion. You feel a sense of pride, you had just brought a new life in this world! Your so focused on the baby your not paying attention to the mom, and that's when mayhem happens.

"Agent, shes stopped breathing" says the womans husband

You run over to the mom and check her pulse, its weak but it's there. Opening her mouth you check her lungs and there closing.

"Her throat is closing, I need a ball-point pen and a knife." You shout

An officer runs up to you with a black pen, and another officer with a small, pairing knife. With a small insition you take the pen and position it about the wound. Making the cut, blood squirts out of her throat, and hitting your hands and face. You stick the pen in and the blood flows through. When you finish inserting the thin piece of plastic, you wait. And then check for a pulse.


Wait a second....

Nothing again.....

One more seconddd

"We've got a pulse!!" You shout through the house

You had just saved a life, and my oh my, the feeling was amazing.

*end of flashback*

No! No, this did not just happen! This can not be happening. You were pregnant when you got taken, and now, your pretty sure that all just went down the drain. All the signs are there. Stomachache, headache and of course the most obvious, the blood dripping down your thighs. And in luck to everybody, the team was watching all this unfold on the camera set up right in front of you.

"Aw, looks like theres no more baby hotchner" foyet says walking in the room

"That's sad, I was about to wish the happy couple some congratulations" he grins " oh well, to late now"

The hormones are flowing through your aching body, as you start to cry. The tears rack your body, and you feels your muscles go limp. But then you remember, ho- when did he know?

"Wait, how did you know?" You ask

"When you passed out on the floor in your house, I saw the test on the counter. Your one lucky girl, getting knocked up on your first try." He laughs

You roll your tear filled eyes. Not sure how to respond, you relize now the team knows, that you had a unexpected "interaction" with your boss.

"What does he see in you anyways. I mean, your not that pretty, and your body, that's nothing to he proud of either. Your as flat as a board." He says looking at you

"So tell me agent" he says grabbing you by the throat "what does he see in you?"

You wait

And wait some more, until hes had enough. At this rate you've been with foyet for 4 weeks, all the torturing and pain, your not sure why he hasn't killed you yet.

In the midst of your thoughts yours untied from the pipe above your head and tied down to the table behind the camera

"Ok agent, this is it. Are you ready?" He asks, moving the camera towards you

"Ready for what?" You ask.

"To say goodbye to your little lover"

He pulls out a phone from his pockets and dials a number.

*ring* *ring* *ring*


Its Aaron, thank God hes ok

"No, that's my name silly" foyet teases

"Where is she" Aaron growls

"Right here, say hello agent" the phone gets pressed to your mouth

"Aaron?" You choke out

"(Y/n), stay strong ok? I'm gonna find you" he says, tears obvious in his voice

"No Aaron, dont, you cant risk it" you whisper

"(Y/n), I promised you, ever since we were teenagers that I would protect you, no matter what. This is not up for debate, I am coming for you" he crys


"Ok, thank you agent for your time. It's time to go now, but make sure to keep watching the live feed, it's about to get sooo much more interesting" foyet says hanging up

"NOO!!" you shout

"Ok" he says "its time"

He walks around the flat table your laying on, and grabs a pocket knife. A different one then what hes been using to cut your back this whole time. Before coming close to you he makes sure the video camera was pointed towards you, and recording. The team was about to watch whatever was going to happen.

To your surprise you dont know whats about to happen, but you do at the same time. Your pretty sure hes about to kill you, but you dont know how.

"MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" You scream

The knife was being dragged up your leg, and hard enough it was cutting through the layers of your skin, until he reached your stomach. He lifts the knife for a second, lays it back down, and cuts up your stomach. Nothing to serious, it catches on your skin once or twice, but not as bad as your leg.

Then, he reaches your neck. He trails the sharp blade across your jugular and up to your ear

And then back down and around the lump in your throat.

Then he stops....

"Ah, the perfect spot" he whispers


*bang*  *bang*  *bang*

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