There Is No Us!!

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"Agent hotchner?" You say

"Yes agent?"

"The photos, all the victims. They resemble you, sir."

You watch Agent hotchner open the vanilla coloured file. His body language changed as he read the incident reports, and as he got deeper into the history and personal details of each victim. The hair colour is the same as his, and for the most part the age was the same. Almost everything in the file is identical to Aaron. All the victims had a wife. The victims were in there mid to late 40s. They all had One child and lived in New York city. The only thing that is somewhat different is Aaron is FBI and all the victims are cops.

"Ok, wheels up in 30" he exclaimed.

*On The Jet*

You and Aaron were the last ones to bord the jet. As the two of you boarded you saw Emily sitting with jj, Dave and Reid, and morgan was sitting near the back listening to music.

"Ok, let's go over the case" Aaron called

"All victims in there mid to late 40s, all shot in the back of the head, execution style other then the victims of yesterdays attack. 1 was shot in the head and the rest in the chest. They all had wife's, all had 1 child." You say reading the reports

As you finish your thought garcia comes on the computer screen.

"I hate to be the Bearer of bad news, but another officer has been found dead, name Is Mr Tyrese Moore" (no, hes not black!)

"How similar to the other victims?" Morgan asks.

"Sadly Exactly the same, married, one child. And looks the same." She sighs

"Ok, when we land I want david and morgan to go to the latest crime scene, jj, Reid and emily go talk to as many family's as you can and me and (Y/n) will get set up at the department"

When Aaron finished dividing up the team, you stand up after asking Aaron where the bathroom is and he points you to the back of the plane. You use the bathroom and when you exit the small room you bump into Aaron making a coffee. He looks at you for a second, then closes the curtains to provide more privacy.

"(Y/n), are we going to talk about this?"

"About what sir?"

"About, well, us" he says looking you in the eye

"There is no us" you shrug, walking away.

"That's not what I remember from almost 15 years ago" he called out to you.

"Oh, really?! Cause I remember you throwing EVERYTHING we had together away a little over 10 years ago" you shouted back

You then turn around and realize the whole team had been watching and listening to your harsh interaction with the unit chief. You scoff and walk to the other side of the jet where you sit and put in your headphones. The last thing you remember seeing is Aaron watching you from his seat before you fell into a deep sleep.

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