What Did You Do So Wrong?

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"(y/n), its your father"

Your father? really?! He couldn't  mention that before you were on the jet on the way to meet him? You never met your dad, and being honest with yourself that was ok, as far as you were concerned he wanted nothing to do with you, and you want nothing to do with him.

You sit there in silence not quite sure what to say. You really don't want anything to do with Aaron right now, but you were on the same jet as him. Your hands start to shake, and you feel nauseous again, So you stand up and go to the bathroom. No sign of vomit, so you try to look yourself in the mirror but you just cant do it. You let yourself down and it hurts. Every time you look in the mirror you remember that mistake, and it hurts you so much you want to die. But, you get and idea on how to try to dye down the father thing

"Ok, when we get where were going, My name Is now agent (y/m/n). Not my last name" you tell the team

Everybody looks at you with approving looks and head nods. If he doesn't know your last name, he wont know who you are right? Yea, it works. Every body separated to do there own thing. Emily starts to read her book, Reid is playing chess with himself, JJ filling case files and morgan with his music. But Aaron, stayed right were he was, watching you. It was weird but you left to get a coffee.

"Hey kid" you hear from behind you

"Dave" you draw out

"I kicked his ass for you" he sighs

"Thank you Dave, but you really didnt have to" you turn to face him saying.

"Yes I did! You were virgin Mary and he was the horny teenage sex addict!" He says raising his eyebrow

"Ok" you say laughing

"If there is anything I can do, tell me. Ok?" He asks

"Thanks" you say

Dave walks away and goes to sit with Aaron, but before he sits down he slaps Aaron in the head. Not loud enough for anybody to hear, until Aaron crys out. You grab your coffee and sit on the pretty much abandoned side of the jet. It was quiet so you put in your headphones and start to read your own book, The 9 lives of chloe king. This book always made for a fun and dangerous adventure. Some might say you should get enough of that at work, but the ambition never really dies.

*after landing*

You are all together heading into the facility. The prisoners all look at you like shark bate. It was intimidating, but you decided to have some fun. Aaron has been watching you since the jet, so you want to play some mind games. Ya know, just because you just lost your V card not even 24 hours ago, dont mean you cant flirt, and your pretty good at it too.

Walking up to a cell, with a sassy walk, you look the prisoner in the eye and bite your lip, seductively and Aaron watching you, goes completely red. He was jelous, and angry and he knew you were teasing him. He knows he cant have you and hes mad.
You finally have had enough fun and leave, the inmate speechless.

"Hey, I'm officer (y/l/n)" some man says down the hall

That was your dad? Oh God. You smell  booze leaking from his pours, and you find the culprit. His coffee mug, the smell was filling the hallway and you dont think he even knows it.

"Hello, I am agent Aaron hotchner and this is agent david rossi, agent derek morgan, agent Emily prentiss, doctor Spencer Reid, our communication liaison Jennifer jeru and agent (y/m/n)." Aaron says pointing to each of you

"Oh really? (Y/m/n)? I had a daughter with that as her middle name. Is that your middle or last name." He asks you

"Last name sir" you say hesitantly

"Ok, sweet. Right this way agents"

You all travel down several hallways until you get to a small enclosed office. All of you enter, and you happen to be last. Looking at his desk you see photos of him and 3 other children and Aaron must have seen the same thing

"Are these your children?" He asks

"Yea, that's lily" he says pointing to a blond girl. "That's andrew" a brunette boy. "And amelia" a brunette girl

"Which one with (y/m/n) as her middle name" Dave throws in

"Amelia" he says

You've heard enough at this point, you feel sick. Enough of these stupid mind games. Hes not your dad, but when he had you he went on to abandon you and have 3 more kids?! What was so wrong with you?

"Excuse me" you manage to choke out leaving the small room

You leave the building grabbing your phone and calling garcia. You need to figure out the truth.

"What's up kitten?" She chirps

"I need some Intel on someone named Amelia (y/l/n)"

"Wait, like, your last name?"

"Yes Garcia"

"OMG you have a sister!!"

"No I dont! Just, please get me the information and send it over" you say hanging up

It was about 30 min later and you were still outside waiting for garcia and the info, until she calls you back

"I have your information what shall the wizard of Oz do with her powers?" She asks

"Tell me everything" you say

"Ok, her full name is Amelia grace     (y/l/n), she is 11 years old mom is Tamara (y/l/n), of course married to Andy (Y/l/n). The little girl has 2 other siblings, the first, lily is 13, amelia being second and little Andrew being 8" she says. You can hear her smile through the phone

"Can you check to see if he has ever signed any other birth certificates? Is that possible?" You ask

"Your wish is my command, just one moment" she says typing

"None, sorry hun"

"Are you sure!" You ask

"Yep kitten, it would show"

"Ok, are any of the children's middle or last names (y/m/n)?"


"Ok, thanks PG"

Wow, he really wanted nothing to do with you. He didnt even sign your birth certificate, and he lied about the names.

But, what did you do so wrong?

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