Need Him Soon

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So, if I cant do that. Why am I alive?

Maybe I should just stop.

*Aaron's POV*

After I finished my conversation with Dave I started walking, and I didn't stop. My Go bag in hand and gun on my belt, I found myself standing on a bridge, Holding my gun in my hand, thinking. Dave was right, I need to try to regain her love. Were men't to be together. I want to be there. So, I put my gun back on my belt, and stepped away from the bridge, walking back to the hospital.
I'm sitting by her bed for as long as I can, then I feel asleep.

*2 weeks later*

I was laying on the side of (y/n)s bed, asleep with my head buried in my arms, And I felt a squeeze on my hand. My head shot up, and saw beautiful, soft (Y/e/c) eyes staring back at me. It's a miracle. I got so excited I sprung out of my seat and called for the doctor. Although she was awake she still looked like hell. She has a long blue tube in her throat where she got stabbed, he hair is really greasy, laying on the plain pillow case, her knee in a heavy duty brace holding it In place to heal and her body, her body was bruised. After all the cutting she got on her back I'm assuming those are bandaged. I look back at (y/n) happily, but she looks the complete opposite.

Looking at her face, shes angry. Her eyes are narrow, giving me a pretty nasty glare, her face is pure red and shes trying to move her hands the best she can. But in the process of all this, shes trying to talk.

"Y-you soo- son of a-a bitch" she quietly stutters out

"OK I think it's time to leave now" the nurse suggests walking in the room

"I love you (Y/n), and I am so, so sorry" I say

"F- fuck y-you ass-asshole"

*End of Aaron's POV*

"So what now?" You ask foyet taking your sunglasses off

"Look at him!!" He says

A video image appears in front of you, showing the sleeping agent on your arm.

"Look how worried he is, he hasn't left your side in 3 days. That means he hasn't peed or anything. This man is dedicated to you. I can just imagine his face when he hears your heart stop and never start again" he laughs

"So your gonna keep me here?" You ask

"Well, for now, I'm gonna be nice and send you back, but it might not last forever" he smiles "get ready for departure, in 3, 2, 1...."

Pain. It shoots through your body like a lightning bolt, and it makes you jump in surprise. Pressing your head into the pillow to try to control the pain, you eyes stay shut, scared of what your going to see when you open them. Then you hear beeping. Your eyes feel heavy, but you fight to open them. Then the light hits you.

The blinding sun from the window gives you a extreme headache. Looking around the room, it's more comforting then what foyet was holding you in. The walls are a light white, with tables beside your bed, where small, green lamps rests. There is a dresser by your feet, and a table with some medical tools beside it. There's a small room to your right, which your guessing is a bathroom, but you wont be needing that, because you can feel the catheter ripping your insides. Then you look at your right arm, and there he is. He's asleep, but your guessing it's not that deep. When Aaron's in a deep sleep he snores, and hes not snoring right now.

Squeezing his hand to get his attention, he jumps up and looks into your eyes. It takes him a minute to process your image, the blue tube in your throat making your skin itch, you try to talk, but it's nothing more then a small whisper.

"Y-you soo- son of a-a bitch" you whisper getting agitated.

"OK I think it's time to leave now" the nurse suggests

"I love you (Y/n), and I am so, so sorry" he cry's

"F- fuck y-you ass-asshole" you stumble out

He leaves the room in tears. But, hes not the one that should be hurt. YOU ARE the one in the hospital with a catheter up your woo-haa, and not able to even move your neck. Your the broken one, not him.

"OK agent (y/l/n), time to change your catheter" the happy, brunette nurse says.

You just lay there as your bed goes flat. You focus your eyes on the ceiling, more specifically the sprinkler in the middle of tile, while the tube rips through your body, causing more pain. You cry. Your pretty much forced to silence because of the tube in your throat, but that doesn't stop the slight sobs escaping your lips.

"OK (Y/n), were all done" she sighs, rubbing your arm slightly "I am going to go get your next morphine shot" 

The breath you didn't know you were holding flows through your body, wracking it with tears. The path of water streams down your cheeks and off your chin. The pain is unbearable, its hard not to scream but you know if  you do, you will defiantly throw your throat out. Right now, in this moment you miss your best friend, the love of your life. You wish he was right here holding your hand, but In light of recent events you cant have him here, seeing you like this and it hurt you. You remind yourself he did this to you, and that changes your mind

That doesn't mean you dont care about him, 

You still love him with all your heart,

But you need him to feel pain, 

Feel something 

Feel bad, but you hope he feels it soon,

Because you really need him...

And you need him soon 

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