Patience, My Love, Is The Key (Fluff (not with Aaron ;))

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Aaron has always been your everything and your not about to loose the only thing you have left.

Your never loosing him again..

No matter what

"Babe, who is this?" the brunette asks 

You raise your head to look at the lady, but your body's facing the other way. Aaron rips you away from his body and sets you back in your chair. Wasn't Emily outside the door? When your back in your chair Aaron spins it around so you can see the tall, beautiful woman. 

"Beth, this is (y/n). (y/n) this is Beth, my girlfriend" he says 

"Aaron has never mentioned you, I'm sorry" Beth says shaking your hand 

Never mentioned you?! Really? Your his best friend and he has never spoken one word of you, wow you really feel the love right now. You stare at the tall, beautiful woman as she pushes her hair to the side, showing her big blue eyes. You are really trying to hate her right now, but she seems really nice, and shes really beautiful. The one thing you don't like her for right now, is she took your best friend at the time you needed him the most. 

"Are you OK?" she ask you with a worried look  

You try to speak but your throat really hurt, so you shake your head, expressing that your just fine but Beth was a little confused, and Aaron realized that by the look on her face. 

"Since (y/n) has been hospitalized, her vocal cord needed repair so that has resulted in her having some difficulty speaking. But she is going to therapy for it, as far as I know?" he asks looking at you 

You just nod your head, showing him he is correct. You see Beth smile towards Aaron. After everything that happened you remember rossi telling you that Aaron never went to see you because he was with his girlfriend, so she was the reason you had nobody. She is the reason your losing your best friend. 

"I just have some paperwork to finish, can we leave in half an hour?" Aaron asks Beth 

"Of course" she smiles "I will leave you two to it" 

After she leaves the room, your again left with Aaron, but not for long. Emily finally comes to rescue you. 

"Hey, you ready to go?" Emily asks 

"Yep" you whisper out 

She pulls you out the door, saying her goodbyes to hotch. Getting down the ramp you see Beth with the team, and shes laughing, but the team looks like there about to die. There not having fun at all, and your guessing they don't like her very much. You and Emily approach the desk, and everyone smiles once they lay eyes on you. 

"Can you just give me and rossi one sec, I need to talk to him" Emily says pulling him aside 

Once the two of them are gone, Beth starts getting real bitchy, and can't keep her mouth closed! Her smiles floats out every time someone passes, but when its just them, she looks at you like shark bate. Her piercing blue eyes burn into your soul, making you squirm in your seat. 

"Did you two ever date?" she asks you 

You just shake your head no. She raises her eyebrow as a sign of surprise, as she looks you up and down. 

"You seem to close to have never dated. Don't lie to me please" she tells you 

"I'm not lying" you whisper 

"Oh, so you can talk" she smiles 

"Barely" you roll your eyes 

"Do you have a problem with me?" she asks 

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