You Float To His Lips

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"Are lives have been horrible! Until we met each other" she says gripping your hand tighter "Its like you could say we've seen the end"

"You could say we have been to hell and back"

Today is the day!
Your move to London is happening and your super excited. You and Emily have been focusing on packing up last minute things, and you both had a little fun in the mean time ;)

It is now 12:32 and you plane leaves in about 2 hours, so you load all your things to be shipped and get in the car to drive to the BAU for the last time. You jump into the passenger seat and put on your seatbelt. Emily has had a little pep in her step since last night, and honestly you're not complaining because when she walks around like that, it makes her so much hotter.

"What?" She asks noticing you staring at her

"You" you laugh

"Do I have something on my face?" She asks

"No, your just really, really hot" you say

She laughs and turns on the car, pulling out of the drive way. The ride is silent so you turn on the radio. None of the songs really catch your attention but you leave it on just for background.

Your trying to not talk to Emily, because there was a little fight this morning, which lead to some pretty hot makeup sex. But your having a problem with this not being solved, but you don't want to be the one to bring it up again.

Emily thinks that you still have something long on with hotch. Trying to tell her that's not true, you really didn't want to talk, because saying you don't have feelings for him you would be lying. Instead of lying, you just kissed her.

You start to day dream about the amazing time you two had this morning when you realize your at the BAU.

"You ok?" Emily asks

"Yea" you sigh "Are you ok?"

"Nervous, but fine" she sighs

"Why are you nervous?" You ask sipping your coffee

"Hotch is here today, now your here. I don't want anything to happen" she says sighing

"Emily, nothing is happening. He's my best friend. He has always been my friend, nothing is going to change that any time soon" you argue.

"Fine, whatever. Let's go" she says getting out

You just roll your eyes and follow her in the door. The ride up seemed like the longest one yet. Finally the doors parted open and you both stepped off. And it's just your luck, the first person you see, the one and only Aaron Hotchner.

"Hello sir" you greet him

"Agents, what are you doing here?" He questions "You have a flight to catch"

"We wanted to say our official goodbyes" you say going to grab emily's hand, but she pulls away from you.

"Oh, well if that's it I have something for both of you before you go" he says walking away

You follow the SSA to his office. When your all in his office he tells you to close the door, so you do as instructed. Sitting down in his desk, he opens a drawer and pulls out 2 wrapped boxes, along with 2 sheets of paper.

"These are from jack" he says handing each of you a piece of paper "I was going to mail them, but your here now anyways"

Next he hands you the both a box. Looking at yours, you see your name printed at the top with a bow. Emily's has the same thing.

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