Just Come Back To Me!

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"Aaron...What are you doing here?" You question

"(Y/n).... It's Jack"

*************To Be Continued ************

"What's wrong?!" You ask worried

"He really needs you right now (y/n)..... we both do" he cry's

"Aaron, what's wrong?" You say walking up to him, grabbing his hands

"You wouldn't answer your phone so I came to get you. It's jack, h-he has cancer" Aaron cry's looking you in the eyes

"What!!" You exclaim "When?!"

"About a month ago. He wasn't feeling well, I had to take him to the doctor and that's when we knew"

"Oh Aaron! What can I do?" You ask

"Come with me, jack, he really misses you, he needs your love right now" he begs "He needs his mom!"

You sigh, looking around your office. You feel a tight squeeze on your hands, and you think to yourself.

"Fuck it, lets go!" You exclaim

"Really!?" Aaron shouts

"Yep" you laugh

You grab your bags and your coat, but just as your about to leave you turn to your desk and open the drawer, pulling out a vanilla envelope. Walking through the hallway with all your things and Aaron on your heels, you march to Emily's office and throw the door open. 

"We need to talk" you say looking her in the eyes 

"Not n- Aaron? What are you doing here?" she asks seeing Aaron behind you 

Before Aaron can answer you step in and continue your conversation. 

"Emily, we have problems, like every couple does, but this is getting out of hand. We need to fix this. There is somethings in Virginia I need to wrap up. I really want us to work, please believe that Emily, I love you with all my heart, but if this is going to work, if we are going to work, you will come with me" you plead 

"I will give you guys a minute" Aaron says walking out closing the door 

"Emily, babe, please. Come back with us, try to fix us! We could have so much time with each other, but we need to try!" you encourage 

"(Y/N), are we sure this can be fixed?" Emily questions "Look at us! We barely talk to each other, we dont even sleep in the same bed anymore!" 

"That is why I want you to come, we can get away, spend some time with each other! We can heal, but you need to try with me!" you cry 

"Why are you going back? This is our life now, this is what we wanted! Your going back in time! So tell me, what is so important that you need to drop everything and leave!" she questions 

"Its Jac-"

"AGAIN WITH THEM!!" Emily shouts "I am your girlfriend!! I should be your everything!!" 


"Wow, ok" Emily sighs "Do you still love me?" 

"Of course I do! Why do you think I'm asking you to come!" you question

"If you love me, you will stay" she says crying 

"Babe, I love you, I really do-"

"Then whats the problem?!" Emily laughs 

"I also love jack!" you argue "I love Jack with all my heart! I love Aaron! I grew up with Aaron, hes my best friend! And the team, there my family JUST as much as you! Being here, its not what I wanted, I wanted you, and you wanted this! I came here for you! So please, enlighten me on why I would stay here when I don't even have you anymore!"

Emily stays silent, with tears flowing down her face. You both know your relationship is over, and its for the best. Walking up to her desk, you drop the envelope in front of her and walk to the door 

"I will come back when I am ready and grab my stuff" you tell her 

You leave the office and close the door behind you. Aaron looks at you with a worried face.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry" he sighs 

"Its ok! We both knew it was gonna happen" you smile weakly "Anyways lets get back to my flat and I can get some stuff" 

You both get into the car and you give Aaron the directions to yours and Emily's flat. The drive was silent, but being fair, it was pretty quick. You enter the small flat and look around. 

"You Ok?" Aaron asks 

"Yea, just taking it in" you smile 

Keeping your heels on you walk to your bedroom, grabbing a bag and filling it with clothes and other small items. Your so distracted by the fact you and Emily just broke up, you didn't even notice you started to throw some of her clothes into your bag. When you finally relies you sit on your bed and let a few tears slide down your pale face. Everything is falling around you, and your not quite sure whats gonna end it all, all you know is your ready for all the pain to stop. In the middle of your thoughts you hear Aaron shout up to your room. 

"You almost ready!?" Aaron yells 

"Almost! One second!!" you yell back 

Throwing a few more things into your bag, you see a piece of paper, crumpled up into a ball, just resting at the bottom. Knowing the contents of the letter, you ignore it and continue piling stuff on top of everything. Just as you finish packing you hear Aaron walk into your room. 

"Heyy" he sighs out 

"Hey, whats up" you smile 

"Can we talk before we go?" he asks 

"Sure" you hesitate

"I just want to clear the air. We haven't really talked about what happened between us before you left, so now I wanted to take the time to tell you I am really sorry for how I treated you, and that I broke up with Beth, you dont have to worry about her anymore." he says looking at his hands 

"Oh, um OK" you nod

"There is something else" he says slowly 

You stand there silently looking at him waiting for him to speak. 

"When you left, Jack got mad at me, and he asked me if I love you....I tried to tell myself no, but I can't"


"Hold on, let me finish. I told myself no, and I went to bed one night, not a worry in my life, and i woke up the next day and learned that my son has cancer. I then relised that life can change on the flip of a coin."

"Aaron st-"

"What i'm trying to say is I dont want to wake up one day and realize that I made the wrong choice. I want you in my life, and so does Jack."

"What are you trying to say Aaron?" you ask 

"That I cant live without you! I want you back!" he cry's out 

    "I made a mistake letting you go, now I'm Going to make it up to you. Just come back to me!"  

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