Moving On

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Your lips started to quiver again. You feel relief, happy for him. But you also feel hurt. You look at him, and your eyes meet.

"I missed you (y/n)."

It took you a minute to realize what he just said. You were taken aback by the words, not quite sure how to answer. So you waited for a second, making hard eye contact. He remembered you. All the late nights spent together, the heartwrenching conversations, you could see it all flooding in his eyes.

You remember the picture. The little boy with his mom and dad. His dad. Aaron was a father, and a husband. You cant do this to him, he has to much to lose. You look at Aaron's hand. His wedding ring was sparkling clean. Taken care of, like everything else. But, one part of you remembered that Aaron hotchener, has changed. And in the 30 min you have had together, your pretty sure its for the worst.

Everything was to much. So You focus back on your original ordeal, why all of this started in the first place. Considering how much heartbreak was just created it was hard to hold back the tears. But you did.

"Can we get back to business sir?" You say avoiding eye contact

You want to make this meeting go as far from personal as you can. Looking him in the eyes is the wrong sign. I mean, for God sakes the guys a profiler he is going to figure out you like him one way or another. But your trying do delay that process with everything in you.

"(Y/n), you dont have to call me sir" he says.

He sounds sad, and angry. Full of hate. That's not the Aaron you remember. It hurt you to see him this hurt. You both care about each other so much, but that doesn't matter now. What's done is done. You sit there in silence, unsure of what to do now.
He forgets about the past 10 min and gets on with the paperwork.

About 30 min later you and Aaron are out of his office and in what they call the briefing room.

"Everybody this is agent (y/f/n) (y/l/n). She will be joining the team. Agent (l/n) this is SSA emily prentiss, SSA derek morgan, SSA david rossi, Doctor Reid, our tech analyst penolpy garci, and our communication liaison Jennifer jearu"

"Please, call me jj" she said.

Everybody he just listed was sitting with Emily when you were outside of Aaron's door. As Aaron was calling everybody's names you went around the table shaking hands and exchanging smiles. But when you got to david, you got a weird feeling. Hes that weird guy that opened strausses door. He shoots you a smile and puts his finger on his lips. Was he not supossed to be there this morning?

"Anyways my loves, we are going to the amazing city of new york" Garcia chirped. You take your seat in between emily and Aaron.

"This unsub has been killing members of law enforcement. Undercovers, officers in uniform. There were 4 officers killed, yesterday, He got so far as attacking the local police department by walking in and opening fire, killing 3 more officers. There just calling for our help" jenifer says.

You take a good look at the photos and you notice one connection right away. There all males, mid to Late 40s, but one part of this doesn't sit right. You feel Aaron's eyes resting on you. He hasn't even looked at the scene photos yet. But you had to bring it up.

"Agent hotchner?" You say

"Yes agent?"

"The photos, all the victims. They resemble you, sir."

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