You Should Have Called Sooner

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He never called?
Why didnt he call
You never called?

As you fall off your bed, your head hit's the side table and then the carpeted floor. Feeling blood drip down your head you feel dizzy. The person was walking around your bed, and kneeled down beside you. Foyet! It was foyet. Aaron said he was taking away things that mattered to him, and you were important to him, so your next. You remember Aaron saying he was going on a trip with jack and Jessica. Foyet comes up to you and grabs you by your throat

"Where is Aaron hotchner?" He asks

You stay silent. Even though you hated Aaron right now, it wasn't enough hate to get him killed. You knew foyet was desperate to find Aaron, he will do anything, and if that means killing you, then so be it.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, where is Aaron hotchner?"

Again, you stay silent. Everything was going downhill. Every since you and Aaron slept together you haven't talked, your work has been getting sloppy, your now pregnant, AND your about to possibly die. At this point, you dont think life could get any worse!

But almost to prove you wrong, foyet picks you up by the throat and throws you into your bedroom wall. Your bleeding head connects with the plain white wall, and you will admit, it did hurt. You fall onto the floor and curl your left leg into your stomach. Foyet was distracted with something else, your not quite sure with what though. Everything was blurry, but that didnt stop you. When you watch foyet turn around you take your chance. You wobble onto your feet slowly, trying not to alert foyet, but in the process you knock something off your nightstand, and that's all it took. You take off on your feet out of your room and almost to the stairs with foyet on your heels. Grabbing you by the hair, he throws you into the wall and trips you so you fall onto your side.

"You really think you can get away? And, being honest, hailey put up more of a fight then you are right now" he laughs.

You were tired, and your stomach was cramping. The wall has a nice sized bloodstain on the wall and you feel the blood on your forehead. But again you stood up. Running for the stairs you made it, but not in enough time. Foyet traces behind you and throws you down the flight of steps. Hitting every step, you land at the bottom. Now your head was really spinning. You watch foyet taking his time coming down the stairs. Everything was spinning, you feel blood trickling down your face. Trying to stand up, your knee gave out. You cant stand. It was probably broken. Again you feel a hand on your shirt, picking you up, and landing you in your glass coffee table. The glass rips your shirt and cuts deep into your flesh. Your left to wonder with foyet in the kitchen looking at a bottle of the wine in the cabinet.

Then you hear it, a small ring. It was faint but it was there. It was your phone. To be more specific, it was Aaron's ringtone. Your head still spinning, you eye the stairs and start crawling to the stairs. Until, you stand on your ok leg, and start hopping your fastest. Foyet turned on the music in your radio, so he couldn't really hear you. Traveling up the stairs slowly, you reach the top. But, you fall with a big thud, and that alerts foyet. He runs up the stairs, and catches you when your inches away from the phone. And it rings again. But before you grab it, your flying down the stairs again. The stairs hit your ribs with every landing on each step. And that's all it really took. That was all the fight you had left. He drags you back to the door and notices your still awake. Stopping, he looks at you and he starts punching you in the face.

Hit after hit, until you had a black eye, a broken nose. And by the end, you blacked out.

You were done, that was all the fight you had left.

But why didnt he kill you? He didnt shoot you, or stab you. But why?

Aaron. Aaron's why. Foyet knows you two are best friends, he knows you mean everything to him, and he means everything to you.

But Aaron, my dear Aaron. You called to late.

       You should have called sooner

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