It Was Never Ment To Be This Way

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You still love him with all your heart,

But you need him to feel pain,

Feel something

Feel bad, but you hope he feels it soon,

Because you really need him...

And you need him soon 

It's been about a month since you kicked Aaron out of your hospital room, and today was your first physical therapy appointment with doctor Torres. Your leg's are filled with pins and needles as your sitting up in your bed, waiting for the doctor to return. Looking at the clock you notice there is still half an hour until your appointment. Thinking to yourself, your going to be alone with doctor T during this, and right now you could really use someone by your side, so you grab your phone. Pulling it off the side table you unlock it and go into your contacts. 

Are we seriously about to do this? you ask yourself, Yep we are. Pressing Aaron's name you hit the phone emoji and your device starts to ring.

*ring* *ring* *ring* *ring*                                                                                                                                                At the tone, please record your message, and when your finished either hang up or press pound for more options. OK, well that didn't work. Giving up, you lay back in your bed and wait for your appointment to come. 

And soon enough it was here, the time to get out of bed. Doctor Torres enters your room with a bright smile spread on her face as she brings in a wheelchair. Parking in in front of you, she pulls your bed sheet back and slowly and softly swings your legs off the bed, while starting a conversation.

"Hello (y/n), how are you today?" she asks dropping your leg onto the bed gently 

This far into your recovery you have gotten your lung repaired along with a skin flap for the hole, so you no longer have that huge bulky tube in you, but you could still barely talk. 

"Just peachy" you whisper 

"Alright, well were going to get you out of bed now, so I need you to take a deep breath, and let me do the rest" she hums 

You do as instructed, pulling oxygen into your barely working lungs. Your throat burns as the air flows through but you push through. It is when she moves your legs, that the pain is unbearable. The pain rips through you like a bullet and you force out the breath you had just inhaled, along with a slight wimper and a spread of tears down your cheeks. 

"It's OK (y/n), were almost there" she says

And again you inhale, burning your lungs even more. Your legs are shifted again, but a little faster this time. After what seemed like minutes of torture, your legs are off the bed, with your feet touching the floor. Your tears keep falling, touching the bottom of your cheek, then being discarded onto your gown. 

"Alright, lets get going" she cheers 

Your chair is being guided down the ICU hallway and into a elevator. Seconds later you arrived to your destination. Taking a look around the room you see different things, like yoga balls, weights, and then you see them, the walking supports. The metal frame stood about waist level with its blue rubber flooring just touching the plain white tiles below it. Before anybody had a chance to move, you hear the door open again. 

"Hey (y/n)!" you hear someone shout 

Its the team! They marched in the door and walked towards you, smiles displayed on there faces. But someone's missing. Aaron. Dave must know what your thinking because he walks up to you and kneels down

"Hey kiddo" he smiles grabbing your hand in his 

"Where is he?" you whisper 

"Out" he answers 

"Where?" you pry 

"On a date" he sighs 


"Its OK, because the rest of us are here just to help you through this, you dont need him" he says squeezing your hand 

"OK! Are we ready to get started?" doctor Torres asks 

The team cheers as Torres pulls you out of the chair and attaches you to the metal bars. You force all your weight onto your good knee, favoring the broken one. Looking down you see the chunky, black brace supporting you and you start to feel the pain. The leg your dependent on right now can't hold all the weight, so before you know it, your on your ass. 

"Are you alright?" Dave asks 

"Fine" you cry out wincing 

Again your on the bar, and doctor Torres is pushing you forward by your back. Your walking! Your legs moving simultaneously to form almost perfect steps, although your leg with the brace on it is dragging a bit behind, but its OK because for the first time in several months, your standing. The team standing by your side, you cant help but miss Aaron. Your very grateful they dropped plans to be here with you, but in all fairness the one person you wanted to see, isn't there. 

"OK, I think we are done for today" Torres says 

You look down and see your legs shaking, ready to give out. Guiding you back to your chair she grabs a sheet and throws it over you and takes you back to your room. When you arrive your room is pitch black, with the door open. Dave turns on the light and to your surprise you enter the room to a freshly made bed, with a meal try laying on the table next to it. Food? You haven't eaten solid food since you were with foyet. Dave helps the nurse get you set up in bed and then he opens the tray, it reveals some golden potato's, a bowl of soup and crackers and a cup of apple juice. It takes you a while to finish the food, but everyone was so patient. Dave bringing the spoon to your mouth, and occasionally the plastic cup to your lips and making sure you can swallow OK, and the team was just talking. When your finished eating Dave tells everyone to leave because you need to rest, so the team says there goodbyes to you and leaves, and finally it's just you and Dave. 

"I'm sorry he's disappointing you Hun" he says "I told him I was coming to see you today, he wanted me to give you this" he hands you a note 

(y/n),                                                                                                                                                                                             It was never ment to be like this, I hope you know that. I am sorry I missed your call this morning, I was out training with my new training partner Beth. I want to say this probably didn't even hurt you but I know that would be a lie. When you kicked me out of your room the other month It hurt me to have to leave you, but if that's what makes you happy so be it. I want you to understand this, I can't come see you right now, I can't bare to see you like that, and know that its all my fault. Its not that I don't love you, it's that I love you to much. I wish you great luck with your recovery and hope I can see your beautiful face very soon. 

 I love you (y/n)



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