Im Calling Trust!!

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Maybe, it's time to come clean.

"I love you, Aaron hotchner"

You stay seated in the chair, running your fingers through Aaron's clean, messy hair. It always soothed you guys. When you were sick Aaron always brought you chicken noodle soup and layed in bed with you and ran his fingers through your long (y/h/c) hair. When he was sick, you always did the same, after he gave up on fighting you away. He knew it would never work. You were never really an item, a couple but just best friends. You never really thought about it, being together with Aaron, and you dont know if Aaron ever considered it. You were best friends, always there to support eachother when necessary.

It was hard to think about being more then that. But the way you guys took care of eachother was a greater connection then anyone could break. Nobody got in the way of your guys friendship, nobody but yourselves. You never really noticed the love connection that built up, you always considered it to be unbreakable. But, you knew now it's more.

You and Aaron have known eachother since SK. You grew up together, helped each other, and were there for eachother when nobody else was. Aaron's dad was a drunk, and a pretty abusive one. Aaron always had a black eye, or a broken arm. It was one thing or another. In high school it was the worst. High school you and Aaron were obviously closer because you had a bit more freedoms, so you always went out for icecream, or to the mall, or out to the drive in for a movie. But Aaron was his dads punching bag. He had more broken bones then should be in your body, always some bruised ribs, or a black eye. And you were getting tired of having to see your best friend so hurt.


You and Aaron were supossed to go for icecream today, but he never showed or even texted. Your Meet up time was for 12, but its 1:36 and your starting to get concerned, so you drive to his house. When you arrive you try his cell one more time. No answer. You run up to the door and knock, nobody. You knock again, louder.

"HEY HOTCHER! ICECREAM TIME!!" You scream laughing.

Again no answer. You run to the window next to the door, you look into his living room, and there he is. On the floor covered in blood. Your eyes scan the driveway and no car. His dad. Well his dad gone because his cars gone. Therefore, you run towards the door and kick it down. Aaron's barely awake. His face has been punched several times, his arm and hands were beaten, his eye was swollen and he was barely breathing. From all you weasing you guess his ribs are bruised if not broken.

"Hey hotch! Hold on ok, I'm getting some help!" You tell him, trying to calm him

"No, dont call 911! (Y/n) please! Just clean me up, its not that bad!" He says in a whisper.

"Aaron, your seriously hurt! You need help!"

"I'm calling trust!" He exclaims

Hes calling trust!! At a time like this!
Calling trust is something we made up that you can call If you ever feel betrayed or, sometimes in danger. You call trust when you have trusted the other with something that nobody else can know about, it tells the other person to take the matter seriously, and that you just cant mess around. That you need there support, trust reminds the other of the whole friendship and why it exists.

"I'm begging you (y/n), please. I'm calling trust! I'm trusting you with this. Nobody can know!" He crys.

That was it. You were crying. It hurt you to see him this hurt, and you weren't about to hurt him some more. You pick up his limp body, and help him walk to your car. Driving back to your house you called your friend addison, and tell her to meet you at your house.

Arriving home, you carry Aaron into your bedroom and sit him on the bed. Addison brings you a bowl with warm water, and a face cloth. Cleaning Aaron up you run your fingers over the ruff skin of his face. Caressing his cheek. He tried to sit up, but just as he started to move me winced in pain.

"Alright my G man, let's get you to bed" you sigh.

You turn him so his whole body was on the bed and ready to lay down.

"Aaron, your shirt."

"Yea, what about it?"

"Take it off" you tell him " I'm gonna throw your clothes in the wash

"No, it's ok." He says trying to lay down, but you stop him

"No it's not ok, I dont want you sleeping in bloody clothes, come on, it's not like I haven't seen you topless before."

He gives up and goes to peel of his shirt, but needs a little bit of help. You grab the ends of his shirt and help pull the thin piece of blood soaked fabric off. When the material was discarded you saw his chest was a disturbing shade of purple, red and blue. He was covered in bruises. All the way from the bottom of his neck to the top of his stomach.

"Aaron, you need a doctor" you cry

"NO I DONT!" He screams. "But an ice pack for my head would be nice"

You travel to the kitchen to grab a bag of peas and take them to him. When you enter the room his pants were on the floor beside his shirt. Handing the peas to him he puts them on this forehead. You get into bed with him, he lays his head onto your shoulder and you start to run your hand through his hair. You know he likes it because every time you do it he moves closer, a sign he wants you to continue. Continuing for about half an hour his bruised and fragile body is in your arms, your fingers In his hair and your both asleep.

That is...
Until theres a knock on the door.

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