I Love You too Mommy

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"You really wanna know what I think?" you ask

He raises his head to look at you, and drops his hands on his desk.

"I think I should have done that a while ago" you say shifting your legs

"And I think you fucking deserve it" 

Its a beautiful spring day, and its the last day you have to pack before you and Emily leave for London. You have not really been spending time with her, but more at your house packing. You and Emily have told Aaron about the move, but have not handing in your transfer papers, and today was the day that was happening. The day you and Emily told Aaron your leaving, Aaron asked you to come by Jacks soccer game that's taking place today, he knows you want to say goodbye to the little boy, and today is your shot.

You throw on your black, knee high boots, black leggings and a white flannel shirt and head towards your bathroom. When you approach the mirror you see your a sight for sore eyes. Your (y/c/h) hangs onto your flushed face, and your (y/e/c) eyes have big black bags around them, but the one thing that catches your attention is the yellowish circle on your throat. The colored patch is from the skin flap you received to close the ripped skin in the hospital. You often get self conscious about the flaw, but you always cover it up with foundation. Pulling out your makeup bag you take out everything you need. First foundation, then eyeliner etc until your done. When your finished with your face you take your blender and apply more foundation applying it to your throat where your scar is, covering it up. When that's done you put on another layer of red lipstick, grab your purse and leave the house getting into your car.

Sitting in your seat, you take a minute to think, about everything that's happening, to what happened to you and Aaron. You start to feel tears gather in your eyes, but you blink them away, starting your car and driving to jacks soccer game. About 20 minutes later you pull up to gateway park. You park your car in the shade, then you see them. The team (Everyone but Emily) sitting in the bleachers on the other side of the field. You watch them for a few minutes, seeing Jack running around the field kicking the ball brings a smile to your face, but then you see her, Beth. She is attached to Aaron's arm, looking at his face and smiling her stupid smile, and that's what makes you grab your stuff and walk over. Your black purse in one hand and a coffee in the other. You make it over to the team without Jack noticing that your there, so that gives you a minute to say hi to the team.

"Hey sugar" Morgan smiles at you

"Hey" you smile

"Baby cakes, you've been crying!" Garcia says looking at your eyes

"It's nothing" You smile

"OK, fine, but I have to ask, its my duty to ask...did you and Emily..." she frowns

"No no no, we are amazing! We leave tomorrow morning, and she is coming to spend the night at my place before we leave!" you sigh

Aaron has not walked over to you yet, but he knows you here, and you know Beth knows your here because you can hear her snarky remarks

"Does she really have to be here? It's not like shes helping anything" she try's to whisper

You hear her comment and ignore it, turning back to the rest of the group.

"Hey kid" Rossi hugs you

"Hey Dave" you smile into the hug

"Can I talk to you" he says pulling you away

Your pulled to the other end of the metal frame, resting your arm on the second top seat, waiting for the speech about to come your way, but at first Rossi doesn't speak, just looks at you. But after a few minutes came the long talk you had been waiting for.

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