Can I Fix It? (Smut Warning!)

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This was special

He.....hes special

When you landed, you and Aaron both had a very much needed nap, but the way you were woken up was a bit surprising. Everyone was hovering above you two taking pictures. You were now, fully ontop on Aaron and he was hugging you, your face had just emerged from the crook of his neck. And now, everyone has photo evidence that you and Aaron are just a little close. But one thing you didnt relize is Aaron's still asleep. You thought he would've been awake by now, hes always been a light sleeper, but I guess not this time. You shake Aaron awake and he notices everyone around us with there phones out and his faces turns a bit red.

"Ok guys, lets not go crazy" he says

His voice is filled with sleep, his hair is messy, hanging onto his face and his tie was loosened. You both sit up and fix yourself up as the jet lands. Grabbing your go bag and getting of the jet, you and Aaron just look at eachother, no words just looks, that was always enough for the two of you

As you guys are now pretty much fully awake, the look you and Aaron gave said one thing...alchohol. so you both go to the local bar. Feeling like crap, you drag your sore bodys to the bar and sit down asking for a round of shots, and the drinking just kept going.

*3 hours later*


You and Aaron are on your way to your house. You were compleatly hammered, but Aaron was only tipsy.
Everything was so blurry to you as you stepped out of the cab. You always were cautious about your drinking, your still a virgin, and most hammered people end up, making a not so smart choice, by loosing it with the wrong person, so you have never been this drunk. Aaron helps walk you to your door, and unlocks it for you. Your first. You go to enter the door and stop just as you reach the warmth of your house. Aaron pushes you in far enough so he can close the door.

"Ok (y/n), take your heels off" he tells you.

You just stand there, amazed by how many stars you were seeing. Aaron picks you up and puts you into the couch. Taking off your heels he throws them towards the door and gets up, and you follow. He places your keys into the dish beside the door and puts your shoes into the closet.

"I dont deserve you, ya know that?" You ask

"You deserve everything life has to offer" he says

Theres a moment, your eyes connect. And you feel butterflies. Not the feeling on the jet, but more. Theres a knot at the bottom of your stomach and you bite your lip. His brown orbs meet your (y/e/c) orbs. That's all it takes. Your lips crash onto his in a heated kiss. This was a first, and you hope your not messing up. You always said your waiting for the right person, and hes been under your nose the whole time. He was the right one, the person you needed.

He didnt stop the kiss, instead he deepens it. Your both standing at the door making out like a couple of horny teenagers. But that's ok with you. In your own special version of the tango, you both make it towards the stairs. Clothes were being shed left right and center. Soon enough you were both up the stairs. All you had on were your undergarments, and he had on his boxers. The kissing didnt stop until you were both on your bed looking at eachother and panting like dogs. The need for oxygen burned your lungs, but that didnt stop you.

Aaron's lips went from your lips, to your neck, to your stomach and down your legs, caressing every inch of skin. Every separate kiss was it's own high, and you dont want it to stop. He travels back up your legs, to your sweet spot. His fingers fiddle with you panties. He knows your situation, and he always felt the same way, and he must know that your still a virgin because you ain't got no rock on your finger.

His touch was delicate, soft. And it was driving you crazy, until his lips moved back to your face. His eyes were locked with yours. Everything slowed down. Looking into his eyes is like there nothing else there, and you love it. And before you knew it, it was happening. The pain shoots through you and your unsure how to cope with it. It took about 10 min before you started to feel the pleasure, and Aaron was watching your body for ques on what to do. He was watching your face, and at this point it was twisting in pleasure. And he started to speed up.  It wasn't long before you feel a ball build in your stomach, unsure of what that means you got a little worried, but you were more focused on Aaron. And before you knew it, you were done. Aaron layed down beside you, panting and sweaty. Everything was passing slower now. All you can feel is a dull throbbing at your core.

You turn and lay in Aaron's arms. He ran his finger through your hair, and that's all it took for you to feel like your in cloud 9.

You thought you didnt really care anymore, but you had just lost the one thing you had left. You thought you wanted this, but being honest your virginity was the only thing you had left for yourself, and now that's gone to, and with your best friend

You though you didnt care, but you really did? What do you do know?

How do I fix what I've broken?

Can I fix it?

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