Why Didnt He Call?

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But, what did you do so wrong?

You marched back into the building and return to the small office. Everybody was sitting around a round birchwood table. Closing the door, you decide not to interrupt any more then you have so you stand at the back.

"I dont know what to say, he was controlling, always had to have everything his way or no way at all" your 'dad' said.

"Ok, well let's take a bathroom break?" Aaron suggests

Everybody stood up to leave and you, Aaron and the patrol guard were left. It was really awkward. But in the long run, you want to know the truth about what happend with him, and what you did so wrong for him to leave you like that. So you start a conversation with him.

"So, do you have any other kids?" You ask

"No mam" he sighs "but I would like to have some more"

"Oh, really. So nobody out there in the cold, wondering about who there dad is, what hes doing?" You say crossing your arms

He knows you exists, but he wants nothing to do with you. He never wanted you so he thought it would be good to get rid of damaged goods.

"Mam, is there something your trying to insist?"

"You really have no clue who I am! No clue!?" You shout

It takes him a good look at you, and a few minutes to see it.

"Oh, my, god" he says "(y/n)?!"

"Yea actually it is! It's me!! The messed up Daughter! The disappointment!! The unwanted child!"

"That's not true!" He trys to argue

"Face the fact, you never wanted me!! Im the burden! The reason for your  heartbreak. But please if you feel the need to leave again dont worry about it, because I'll take the pleasure of doing it first this time!!" You shout

Walking out of the room you hear someone following you and you assume it was Aaron because he was the only one with you, but Its dave. He follows at leased 20 feet behind you at all times until you exit the building. Emotions were high, and you so badly wanted to fall into Dave's arms and open up to him, but you cant. He wont understand!

Everything was going horrable. You never returned to the building. Dave went to get your badge, phone and gun and you all left for the jet. You had calmed down quite a bit, but you were still pretty upset. Everything happened so fast. You feel sick again so you March to the bathroom and sit by the toilet on the cool floor. Your head was spinning, and before you know it, your sick again. Pretty sure it was just your hangover pulling in some extra shifts, you go to sit back down.

About 5 hours later you arrive home and leave the jet, into your car and ready to drive home. You have your country music blaring and the heat cranked. Your car was freezing!
Driving down the road with all the beautiful trees about to reach home, you feel the need to pee. Speeding down the road you pull into your driveway and run towards the bathroom.

Once done your business you wash your hands and go to the kitchen. You didnt stop at the BAU before heading home, which was a mistake because you have tones of paperwork to do. 3:28 PM, you have time to go and come back before dinnertime. You hop into your car and drive to the building. The beautiful trees line the road, and your music all the way up.

Finally you arrive. You rush into the elevator and arrive at floor 6. Everybody must have gone home because you only saw a few people you dont really even know, and then, you see Aaron. Sitting at his desk in his office, lamp on and his head down.  You sit down to finish a few files and then stand up to head out. By the time you were done it was 7 PM and you were exhausted. But, one problem, you finished a file and you had to give it to Aaron. You muster up the courage and stomp up the stairs, knocking on the door.

"Come in" he says behind the door

"Sir, I have a case for you" that caught his attention.

He raises his head to look at you. As soon as he laid eyes on you his cheeks went red, but his eyes went sad. You knows he feels bad, but he should have known better then to take advantage. You also feel bad In a way, you never get that drunk, and just because you were with Aaron that shouldn't of changed. In the long run, you should have drank less.

"(Y/n)?" He said in a whisper

"Yes sir, I have a few cases for you"

"Ok, can we talk?" He asks

"Not right now sir, I have to get going"

"Can I call you?"

"Fine, call me around 8" you say walking out

You leave the office with a few cases in hand along with your coffee and car keys. Opening your car door you set everything inside and jump in, starting the engine. Before going home you have to stop and the grocery store for some milk and pasta. You finish up in the store and head home.

You open the door, and suddenly your phone starts to ring. Addison? You answer the phone while opening your back sliding door to allow some fresh air into your house. Your house has a full security system so when you opened the back door the alarm went off. The system includes door alarms, along with the garage alarm and security cameras surrounding your house, and one in every room. And for your protection Garcia has access to them.

You grab your bags and empty them into the fridge, as addison hangs up. At this point it was 7:30, so you go and an change into your pjs and pop some popcorn. When the popcorns done you here the doorbell ring. Its addison.

"Hey girl I brought something for you!" She said


"Well, you did tell me you lost your V card and that you've been sick, so...." she holds out a small box. A pregnancy test?

"Your not serious" you sigh

"It would show by now, it's been a few days"

You sigh and grab the test, walking towards the bathroom. Peeing on the stick you start to think, and it's a great possibility that, this could be true. You finish up and put the stick on the counter. Addison comes in, you set a timer for 5 minutes and you wait.

The times dings, your palms are drenched with sweat and your hearts racing. Addison picks up the test, but doesn't look yet.

"Ok, you wanna see?" She asks you

"You look first" you tell her

She looks and her eyes widen. That cant be good. Her jaw drops and she looks at you. You grab the test from her, hands shaking you widen your eyes and the results are devastating.


You take another one, and another one. All turning positive. It was 8 and Aaron hasn't called yet and addison had to leave. So, you were on your own, pregnant and on your own. You grab your popcorn and settle into your bed. Your phone was in front of you, you were waiting for Aaron, but no call. So you give up and plug your phone in and set it next to your gun safe on your side table.

Aaron never called.
He never called?
Why didnt he call
You never called?

Your TV was on, the setting for the movie up and running

But when you turn around to put your phone down, you hear something shatter

And all you see is someone standing beside your bed...

With your empty cup of water, and everything stops when you fall off your bed and onto the floor.

He never called?
Why didnt he call
You never called?

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