Hes Special

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....that is Until Aaron pulled you aside and had something to say...

"Agent (y/l/n), may I speak with you?" Aaron calls to you.

You both walk aside, away from the group. Aaron seems a bit nervous, disturbed by what's about to happen, which makes you very nervous.
It's hard to stand there and wait for him to speak, without shouting at him to spit it out already.

"I cant stay with you anymore" he sighs

Really, that was it? That's why he was so nervous. It's hard to believe he would be that upset over this. I mean, it's unfortunate, but those ARE the rules, and rules are there for a reason. But you and Aaron have more then a  relationship then just boss and employee. You guys are best friends. Always there for eachother.

"Oh, are you sure. I dont mind, it's nice to have someone else with me in such an empty house" you say

"I'm sure. I got a bit of heat from Strauss this morning and she said it needs to end"

"Oh, ok" you spit out

"Ok, let's get going" he walks away saying

You get to the building and it was a clean takedown. You and Aaron got the unsub to drop the gun, the woman was saved, and you made it back to the department in time for the fresh pot of coffee. You all said your goodbyes to the sheriff and left for the fairy boat. Loading back onto the fair sized space, you and Aaron end up back at the top of the boat. Your so focused on the water you dont relize Aaron was trying to talk to you.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"

"Yea, yea I'm fine, how are you?" You ask

"Tired, sore" he sighs

"You need to sit down if your sore" you say guiding him to a chair.

"Its ok, it's better for me to stand. I build my strength back faster" he argues, and you cant really say hes wrong

"Ok, but if it gets to bad, dont push yourself to much" you say

"Ok mom" he laughs

"Shut up" you say punching his arm lightly

"No you shut up" he says punching you back

"Ok that's enough you old cripple" you laugh

"HEY! your only a year younger then me!" He exclaims with his jaw dropped

"Better then being the same age!" You smile

"Ok, whatever cripple 2" his smile grew larger

Soon enough you were back off the boat on onto the jet. It felt nice to touch ground again before going into the air. The jet was nice and all, but sometimes it just gets boring. The team boards the jet and it's you, Aaron, rossi and morgan at one table and the rest at another. But morgan was almost asleep with his music on. The jets air conditioning was on and you were still in your tank and shorts.

"Damn its cold in here" you say rubbing your arms

"Here" Aaron says taking off his suit jacket

"Such a gentleman, like always" you say lightly smiling at him

You put on the jacket and hug yourself to save some of the heat. Being honest you would rather Aaron be holding you right now, he has way better body heat then you. And its ike he read your mind, he leaned over and grabbed your shoulder pulling you into his arms. Your head was on his shoulder and his back was almost fully on the wall of the jet. You were pretty much laying on top of him, and he continued to rub your arms softly.

Happy with the turn of events, your warm, not hungry, dont have to use the bathroom, so you wont have to move for a while hopefully, but most of all, you feel loved, and you dont feel that way all the time.

This was special

He.....hes special

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