Part 2 - Morning

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Thank you for all your fantabulous response. I never expected such a good response in the starting. Thank you soooo much and love you lots ❤❤❤❤


She was cocooned in his arms as she opened her eyes in the morning. Smiling at the warmth, she closed her eyes to catch up a little more sleep but realisation hit her hard like a bullet.

Everything that happened previous day, flashed through her mind only to realise that it was Shivaay hugging her. She tried to wriggle out but he only tightened his hold pulling her more close to him.

“stop shaking” He muttered as he nuzzled his chin in the crook of her neck making her shiver as his beard tickled her skin.

She tried again and he opened his eyes irritated but seeing her, he jumped back startled resulting him to fall off the bed since he was at the edge.

“Ahh” he shouted holding his hip and she got down the bed before rushing to him.

“I'm so sorry” She told worried as she helped him up and he sat on the bed.

“No I'm sorry, I thought it was the pillow” He told, his face scrunching in pain.

“My spine broke” He told and she rubbed his back worried.

“What was the need to jump like that? You weren't hugging some random woman. I'm your wife” She told with a frown but it was only when he looked at her that she realised what she said.

“What?” She asked and he smiled before pulling her towards him and hugging her making her breath hitch in her throat.

“I can hug my wife right?” He asked huskily in her ear and she closed her eyes as she fisted her palm.

He parted and looked at her face that had turned red.

“Blushing ha” He told in a teasing tone and she blushed more.

A knock on the door disturbed their moment and Shivaay walked to the door to open it while Anika stood up from the bed.

“why are you here early morning?” Shivaay asked looking at Khushi with surprise in his eyes.

“Take a look at the time bhaijaan. It's 8 already. What were you both doing yesterday that you both are so late?” Khushi asked with a smirk.

“What did you do yesterday jaan? We did the same thing” He told leaning on the door frame and Khushi looked at him with a wide eyes as her face turned red.

“Haww. Let me see Anika” She told pushing Shivaay out of the way and rushed to Anika before engulfing her in a bone crushing hug.

“She's your bhabhi by the way” Shivaay told with a teasing smile and Anika blushed.

“Ok bhabhi” Khushi called Anika teasingly making her blush more.

Bhabhi please. You continue calling me Anika itself” She told and Khushi chuckled.

“You have your pagfere rasam if you both forgot. Arnav anyway came to drop me. You go with him while he goes back” Khushi told and Anika nodded.

“I'll get ready then. I took some time to sleep yesterday because I don't get sleep in the new surroundings. You slept well yesterday?” Anika asked looking at Khushi and Shivaay cleared his throat while Khushi turned a deep shade of red.

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