Part 19 - Movie?

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She was brushing her hair when he went and stood behind her as usual. Without any tantrums, she gave the brush to him and was about to go when he held her arm and pulled her towards him.

He held his ear and she looked at him with a frown.

“Sorry” He told with a puppy face and she controlled her smile while looking at his face.

“I thought you'll seriously take me to Paris” She told with a pout and he chuckled.

“You want to go to Paris?” He asked and she nodded.

“I want to go to Disney Land. Along with that, haven't you heard about that special lake there? I want to put a lock there on the bridge” She told with a wide smile.

“We'll go”

“Really? When?” She asked excited.

“If you want to go today, we'll go today” He told with a smile.

“No! Not today. Eiffel tower is not open now due to some construction. I want to go on top of Eiffel tower and look at the whole Paris. We'll go when construction is over” She told and he nodded.

She was about to go when he held her waist holding her in the circle of his arms.

“Let me go” She told and he shook his head slowly.

“What are you going to do?” She asked and he shrugged.

“For starters——” He told leaning towards her and she stretched back with a mischievous smile making him confused.

“Not so easy” She told with a sweet smile and he was about to pull her towards him when she pushed him and moved away from him chuckling.

He held her wrist halting her steps and she smiled as her face turned warm. Pulling her back, he twisted her arms behind her back as he looked at her intensely. His hand moved up her arm towards her neck as his fingers rested slightly on her neck while his thumb caressed the skin under her lips making her close her eyes.

Wasn't I a big idiot all these while?” He asked and she opened her to look at him.

“How did I not see you all these while? Such a fool I was to restrain myself thinking you're my——out of everything in this world——sister” He told with a frown and she chuckled.

“Our life would have so different if you saw me like bhaiyya saw bhabhi. Normal life. First friendship, then dating, then——” she stopped and looked at him.

“Then?” He asked huskily as leaned in closer to her as she tightened her hold on his shirt.

“Then” She whispered as she closed her eyes feeling all kind of weird sensations in the pit of her stomach.

His mobile rang and she opened her eyes startled to look at him who was clearly irritated with the interruption. She blushed as he moved away from her to take his mobile.

“What?” He asked and she looked confused on who was it.

“I called you to remind to hide your favorite pens too. She'll spoil it” Arnav told and Shivaay turned to look at Anika who was looking at him curiously.

“I will take care. Now, do you have to remind me anything else?” He asked and Arnav got confused at his irritation.

“Ok then” Arnav told and hanged the call.

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