Part 9 - Interview

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“You'll be fine right?” He asked and she nodded with a smile.

“I can't do anything biased so it's all upto to you” He told and she smiled.

“I don't want you to do anything. Don't interfere at all” She told and he nodded.

“You'll call me after the interview right?”

“I'll come to your cabin if it goes well otherwise I'll go home. If I don't come, be sure that I screwed it up” She told chuckling and he rolled his eyes.

They smiled at each other before getting down the car. She was about to walk to the entrance when he called. He hugged her and kissed her temple while she looked at him with a blushy smile.

“Best of luck” He whispered to her before walking inside, checking the time in his watch.

She smiled and rushed inside before walking to where the interview was taking place. Sitting at an empty place there, she looked through her certificates once again when she heard his voice. She turned only to see him walking out while in some call. When he briefly turned to her, she smiled at him which he returned back and quickly walked away.

“Did you see that? He smiled at me” The lady sitting near her told and she turned to her startled.

“You——I have seen you somewhere” She told looking at Anika who quickly shook her head.

“No—Why would you say that?” Anika asked adjusting her hair.

“May be I mistook you as someone else. My name is Naina. What is your name?” She asked with a wide smile.

“Anika” She told with a smile.

“Again, I have heard your name somewhere” Naina told keeping her finger on her chin and Anika smiled.

“Hundreds of people can have this name. Even I know so many Nainas”

“Ya you're right. Did you see Shivaay Singh Oberoi smiled at this direction? Oh my God” Naina told excited.

“Ya what's so special?” Anika asked shrugging and Naina looked at her with wide eyes.

“What's so special? Getting his smile itself is a big thing. Do you even know anything about him?” Naina asked and Anika shrugged again.

“A human like both of us. What's so special about him?”

“Girl! He's one of the best businessmen of the whole country. The most eligible——Ah can't say that now. He got married a week back” Naina told sadly and Anika controlled her chuckle looking at her.

“To whom?” Anika asked and Naina bit her tongue.

“I knew her name and I had seen her in the news but I forgot. She's Arnav Singh Raizada's sister. That I know. Haye ASR” Naina told with a dreamy sigh and Anika pressed her lips to avoid smiling.

“Those two got married on the same day. Do you know how many hearts broke on that day including mine?” Naina asked and Anika chuckled.

“Why? Are these two people so famous?” Anika asked and Naina frowned at her.

“From which world are you coming from?” Naina asked offended and Anika forced a chuckle.

“Sorry—um—I don't follow business news much” Anika told and Naina sighed.

“It's ok” Naina told.

Anika's phone rang and the receptionist there glared at her while pointing at the avoid mobile phones sign. She made an apologetic expression and attended the call.

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