Part 28 - Their love

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“It is really beautiful” She told with her palm on the glass window while looking at the breathtaking, snow covered morning view of Shimla.

“Hmm” He hummed as he hugged her from behind while planting a kiss on her shoulder. She shivered as she curled her fingers which were straight on the window.

She turned to him with a blushy smile and there he felt his heart stop for a fine second. Even with those messy hairs and tired face, she still managed to carry a glow on her face, the glow of his love. She looked beautifully and amazingly his, in all sense.

“I love you” He whispered to her as that was the only words that could convey his feelings.

She smiled as she kept her head on his bare chest.

“What is the story behind this tattoo?” She asked trailing her index finger on the intricately designed letters AS on his chest.

“It was actually for, Aditya, Arnav and shivaay. Those two As together and my S but now we can take it as Anika Shivaay” He told with a smile.

“Keep it as that itself. Anika has a place this side forever and that's enough for me” She told pointing at the left side of his chest where she had kept her head on.

“Why didn't you make it this side? Usually people do tattoo on left side right?” She asked confused.

“Left side is where heart is there. I was kind of scared if something will happen to me if I do it directly on heart” He told and she chuckled.

They were silent for a long moment.

Waise now you're an expert in kissing” He told and she blushed.

“Credit goes to my professor” She told with a blushy smile.

“Only credit? Won't you give me any gift?” He asked and a serene smile formed on her lips.

“Didn't I give your gift yesterday” She asked softly.

“What did you give me?” He asked and she smiled as she remembered the previous night.

“What do you want?” He asked as she was drying her hair with towel.

“I'm not feeling hungry” She told as she turned to him.

“Even I'm not”

“Then don't order anything” She told and sat near him as she kept her head on his chest encircling her arms around his waist.

“Even from the flight, you kept holding me like this” He told and she smiled.

“Because I like hearing your heartbeats. Dhak dhak—dhak dhak” She told with a smile.

“Shiv” She whispered and her smile widened as his heartbeats took pace.

“Does these beats say I love you Anika?” She asked and he smiled.

“May be” He told and she raised her head to look at him.

“Why aren't you sure? It's your heart right” She asked.

“You stole it from me so you must be knowing” He told and she blushed.

“I'm done controlling” He told before pulling her towards him and kissing her taking her in for suprise. That was the definition for a passionate kiss according to her. Slow at first and fast the next moment.

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