Part 5 - Bed or couch?

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He sat upright, pulling her with him.

“You didn't sleep? What happened?” He asked worried and she did nothing but hug him tightly.

“I'm sorry. Because of me, you fell two times on the floor” She told crying and he looked confused at her.

“When?” He asked confused.

“I pushed you and that's how you fell now” She told with tears rolling down her eyes.

“Oh” He told chuckling and she parted from the hug confused.

“I was thinking how did I reach the floor. It's ok but why did you push me? Any reason?” He asked and she pouted.

“You hugged me and I tried to separate you from me. I tried calling you but you were sleeping and I pushed you. You fell on the floor directly” She told and he burst out laughing.

“Did you just cry for that? God! Are you for real Anika?” He asked chuckling and she looked confused at him.

He shook his head and made her lie back on the bed, then covered her with the duvet.

“Sleep” He told patting her arm, then took the pillow before getting down the bed.

“Where are you going?” She asked shocked.

“I'll sleep on the couch otherwise I'll disturb you again” He told and she frowned.

“Who told you that you're disturbing me?” She asked with a frown.

He shrugged as he kept the pillow on the couch and lied down there. She huffed and got down the bed before standing near the couch, right in front of him.

“Come and sleep on the bed” She told with a frown.

“I'll sleep here Anika. Now go and sleep on the bed. I'm too tired to argue with you” He told closing his eyes and she sat on the floor beside him.

“You know me very well. I won't go” She told and he sighed.

“This is better Anika. If I sleep there, somehow I'll hug you because I move a lot while sleeping” He told.

“Who stopped you from hugging me?” She asked and he looked at her.

“If I hug you, it'll be a disturbance for you”

Shivaay Singh Oberoi, go and sleep on the bed now. This is an order” She told with a frown and he chuckled.

“Order from whom?” He asked.

“From your wife. Now go” She told and he turned to the other side making her frown.

“Fine! I'll sleep on this floor. If I get fever tomorrow, I'll tell everyone that it is because of you that I got fever. Bhaiyya and bhabhi will kill you. They trusted you to look after their sweet little Anika and you're doing this to her? Even God won't forgive you for this. I'll ask my Shivji to give a good punishment to you. If you hurt me, Shivji won't leave you alone. I'm his favorite devotee and———”

He covered her mouth as he looked at her with wide eyes.

“How can you talk like this?” He asked and she bit his hand and he took his hand back with a squeal.

“Will you come and sleep on the bed?” She asked and he shook his head.

“Ok” She told and got up from the floor before setting on the bed. He smiled and closed his eyes

A Twisted Tale Of Love [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now