Part 7 - The party

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Going to change the name of the story from “Falling in Love” to “A twisted tale of Love” as I feel that is a more apt name. Hope that goes well with everyone :-)


Next Day

“How am I looking?” She emerged out of the changing room twirling with the gown and there, he felt his heart touch his rib cage. He saw her in gown for the very first time after her fourteenth birthday as she had never worn a gown in his presence after that.


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“Tell me, how am I looking?” She asked with a frown and he nodded.

“B—Beautiful———magnificient——Gorgeous” He told confused with himself on which was the right word.

“Thank you thank you” She told with a wide smile and he kept looking at her following her movement.

“Go and get ready instead of staring at me” She told and he nodded.

“H-ha going” He told before rushing to the changing room while she looked at herself in the mirror. On noticing the door of the changing room closed, she covered her face as she chuckled shyly.

She quickly did some light make up and left her hair open. Well she didn't want make up to look beautiful.

“Are you ready?” He asked and she turned to him with a smile.

“Ya, let's go?” She asked taking her purse and he nodded.

As they walked downstairs, Jhanvi was standing there instructing something to the workers. She turned to them and smiled.

“Aunty, thank you for the gift” Anika told and Shivaay's eyes widened as he looked at Jhanvi's confused face.

“Which gift?”

“This gown” Anika told with a wide smile before hugging her and Jhanvi looked at Shivaay's pleading eyes and nodded rolling her eyes.

“Oh gown. I didn't know I had such good selection. I mean it's perfect for you. I wasn't even sure it was your size, right Shivaay?” Jhanvi told and Shivaay nodded quickly.

“It is perfect aunty” Anika told with a wide smile.

“Ya, certain people know certain people very well and pretends that they don't know anything” Jhanvi told with a sigh and Anika looked confused at her.

“Arre the designers! I showed your photo to them and they made this gown within hours you know. Afterall, Shivaay Singh Oberoi is a terror everywhere” Jhanvi told and Anika chuckled listening to that.

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