Part 3 - Realisation

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Hayee thank you for all your comments. Well I don't find anything funny in what I type but reading all your comments, I'm laughing my heart out 😂😂😂😂 thank you for all the love ❤


He slowly peeked into the room only to see her standing in front of her Teddy bears and talking to them.

She noticed him and quickly moved back closing her eyes tightly.

“Teddy bears?” He asked walking inside the room with a cheeky smile.

“You were talking to papa right? How did you come here?” She asked and he shrugged.

“I finished talking, so I came here. Any problem?”

“Ya, you found out my secret” She told with a pout.

He chuckled and sat on the bed looking at the teddy bears.

“Wait a second this——” He told with a realisation and she smiled widely.

“Happy realisation! This one, you gifted me on my tenth birthday, this one on twelfth birthday with a boquet of roses and huge box of chocolates. This one on my sixteenth birthday with that floral dress which I wore hell lot of times till it tore. This one I guess, last birthday along with that harry potter collection” She told excited as she pointed at each teddy bear and he smiled.

“So only I gifted you teddy bears?” He asked and she shrugged.

“Many people gifted me but I always loved your selection. See this pink one is my all time favourite. And you gave me customized ones with happy birthday Anika, written on it” She told with a wide smile and he chuckled.

“What happened?” She asked confused seeing him laughing.

“Sit here” He told patting the space near him and she sat there confused.

“Do you know why I gifted you all these Teddy bears?” He asked keeping his hand around her neck from behind and she looked confused at him.

“Because you know I love teddy bears”

“Because you were always a small kid for me. Otherwise who will gift a teddy bear on twenty fourth birthday?” He asked and she looked at him with a frown.

“Oh as if you're so much grown up. You're just five years elder than me” She told with a frown.

He was silent for a while and she turned to him confused.

“What happened?”

“Do you still have that brotherly feeling towards me?” He asked turning to her and she looked down.

“It's just a week that I started seeing you otherwise. It'll take time but I'm trying to change it” She told sadly.

“What about you?” She asked after sometime and he sighed.

“I don't know I'm trying but you're too adorable that I keep forgetting that you're my wife and not just Arnav's sister” He told and she hit his chest.

“How did our family even get the notion that we like each other? I mean you used to call me Bhaiyya right? How did they?” He asked confused and she nodded.

“Right, what if they thought we're acting like that to hide our liking from the them? But how did they get the hin——Oh my God!!! Bhaiyya!!” Anika told with wide eyes as she stood up from the bed and he turned to her with a frown.

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