Part 18 - Her position in his mind

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If this update makes someone happy, then who am I to stop that happiness :-)

Surprise from me after a longtime 😉 May be because it's Shivratri and I'm too happy today ;-)


“Are you still angry?” He asked once she walked out of the washroom and she simply walked to the bed without talking anything.

“Anika” He called walking behind her and she glared at him before lying down on the bed.

He got on the bed and hugged her from behind. She tried to wriggle out of his hold but he had held her tight.

“Ok listen. You grow a rose in the garden. When insects come near it, won't you try every way to keep the insect away from the rose even if the insect does no harm to the rose?” He asked and she smiled faintly.

“For us, you and khushi were like that. In Khushi's case, he was a bit more possessive. I understood the reason now” He told with a frown and she controlled her chuckle.

“So it was like, when you reach the age for Marriage, we'll both select someone, do a background check, threaten him and all and finally if he's clean, we'll make you marry him. But now everything got easy for that idiot. He got such a good brother in law without any hardwork” He told with a smirk and she turned to him.

“Good brother in law? You? Don't joke ok” She told and he frowned.

“Why? From which angle am I not a good brother in law?” He asked and she pinched his nose.

“From every angle” She told and he twisted his mouth.

She chuckled looking at his face.

“I'm thankful for that anyway. I missed all those proposals but imagine, I had a boyfriend and then even kissed——” He glared at her before she could continue.

“Ok let me ask, why didn't you have a long term girlfriend? In my case, you both were behind me like guardians. Why didn't you have a constant one?” She asked and he shrugged.

“Told you, never found anyone genuine. There's one more reason” He told with a sheepish smile and she raised her eyebrows.

“That I'll say some other time” He told and was about to get down the bed when she held him back.

“Say now” She told with a frown.

He took his mobile and scrolled for sometime before showing her a picture of someone. She turned to him confused.

“Mahi” He told with a smile.

“Mahi di. I know” She told with a smile.

“You can say I had a small crush on her” He told and she looked at him feeling a pang in her heart.

He swiped and showed her another photo.

“She was the second reason. Everytime I see someone, unknowingly, I always compared everyone to her. I didn't even know why I did that. Even Mahi didn't stand a chance in front of her” He told and she looked at him.

“I see a girl, oh this one's eyes are not as lively as hers. This one's hair is not long as hers. This one doesn't have nose stud. Trust me, I had mentally rejected many people just because they didn't have nose stud” He told and she looked at him with eyes brimmed up with tears.

“You asked me what was your position in my mind. You say, what was my position in your mind?” She asked and he chuckled.

“Till a few weeks back, I thought I did these comparisons because I saw you like a sister but now I know. I did consider you something more than that. I would have gone mad if anyone else married you. If you had your first kiss with someone else. I would have turned a certified psycho” He told and she burst out laughing as tears rolled down her eyes.

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