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Do read the epigraph followed by this as there are some questions you have to answer there. Please answer those and make me happy. Pleash *puppy eyes*


He held her hand as tears threatened to fall anytime from his eyes seeing her shaking her head screaming in pain.

“I can't do this Shiv!! I'll die” She cried and he shook his head.

“You can do it. Just trust me” He told as they reached the labour room. The doctor stopped him and he looked at her as Anika's hand left contact with his.

“Mr Oberoi if you want to come inside, please go and change from that room” The doctor told and he rushed to the changing room like mad. Quickly wearing sterilized clothes, he rushed to the labour room where she was crying in pain.

He stood by her side and held her hand before kissing her hand and she looked at him, with tears rolling down her eyes, his heart being ripped apart at the mere sight.

“It's almost time. Just push” The doctor told and Anika pushed gripping his hand tightly. She breathed heavily and looked at him, sweat running from her forehead.

“Anika——try once again” He told as his voice choked and she looked at him. 

“Doctor, please ask him to go out. He can't see me like this. Just ask him to go out” Anika told, her voice choked with pain and he shook his head frantically.

“Go out Shiv please. For me and our baby. Please go out” She told pleading and he shook his head as he felt fear gripping his heart.

“Please Mr Oberoi. If she doesn't want you here, we can't allow you here. Please go out” The doctor told.

“I will be ok. Just go——ahh!!” She breathed heavily in pain and he looked at her as his voice stuck in his throat.

“I swear on my life shiv. Go now” She told taking his grip out of her hand forcefully and he looked at her before rushing out.

Once he reached out, he saw both their families standing there. All he did was hug Arnav and break down letting his tears fall finally.

“Shivaay, she'll be fine. Just relax”

“She was crying because of me” He told in choking voice.

“Arnav just go inside. She needs someone beside her and she's not letting me stand there. Just go and stand with her” Shivaay told frantically as he parted from the hug.

That was when Arnav saw his true condition. With messed up hairs and red eyes, he looked miserable.

“Do you think I can stand there seeing her crying? If you can't stand there, do you think I have so much strength?” Arnav asked.

“May be I'll kill you after seeing her in that condition” Arnav told jokingly.

“All these jokes won't go in my head now” He told restlessly as he sat there with his head in his shivering palms.

He walked to and fro as both their parents sat there tensed in prayers. Arnav took a glass of water and extended to Shivaay who shook his head.

“Bhaiyya drink it now” Khushi told angrily as Shivaay's condition was too much for her to handle.

He sighed and gulped it down with much difficulty as he felt nothing going down his throat. She had challenged him that he won't be able to see her in pain when they watched some movie and he told he'll stand by her when she gives birth like the hero of that movie. She had laughed and told him he won't be able to stand there as he loved her so much to see that condition of hers. How right was she about him?

A Twisted Tale Of Love [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now