Part 24 - To burn calories

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He raised his head from the laptop to see her standing in front of the mirror turning left and right. She had been doing that since half an hour but he just kept quiet not wanting to interrupt whatever she was doing.

“Look, I got fat” She told while still looking at the mirror and he sighed.

“Now I got a new name. Look!” He thought with a frown wondering when will he hear his name from her.

“There's no fat in your body” He told and she looked at him.

“Then what is this?” She asked standing straight in front of him pointing at her waist.

“What?” He asked confused and she walked closer to him.

“See, this is extra fat. I want to start working out tomorrow” She told and he burst out laughing.

“What?” She asked irritated.

“I know an easy way to reduce calories. No hardwork required” He told with a grin and she looked confused at him.

He extended his palm to her and she kept her palm on his confused. The moment she did, he pulled her towards him resulting her to fall right on his lap making her gasp. She was about to get up when he encircled his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

“Kissing burns 6.4 calories per minute” He told very seriously and she looked at him with wide eyes.

“Really?” She asked and he nodded.

“You're joking right?”

“No! If you want, you can search in the internet. It's a clinically proven fact” He told and she looked at him with her innocent eyes and he couldn't hold on more. He burst out laughing and she hit his chest with a frown.

“You always fool me like this. I'm not talking to you” She told and was about to get up when he pulled her back.

“I believe whatever you say and you're taking advantage of that” She told with a pout.

“It's a fact” He told and she pushed him back with a frown making him chuckle.

She remembered someone and looked at him before sitting properly as if to tell something important to him.

“Last day, I overheard Nisha and Pia talking” She told playing with the buttons of his kurta while he looked at her.

“Sunday we slept late again right? Pia came to your cabin to get your sign or something. So she was like, sir yawned five times in the two minutes I stood there” She told and he looked at her.


“And Nisha told Sir is married now. Then both of them laughed. When they saw me, they quickly turned and started working” She told and he chuckled.


“Then nothing! They were kind of embarrassed seeing me. I just smiled and walked back to my cabin. All the people are misunderstanding us” She told sadly.

“Hmm ya. And you're trying every possible way to make that misunderstanding correct” He told and she nodded but raised her head to look at him realising what he told.

“What?” She asked and he gestured with his eyes to look at what she was doing.

She took her hands back startled realising she just removed all the five buttons of his kurta involuntarily.

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