Part 13 - Trust

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First things first. The answer for why I did that. Always read comments from all my readers “In your book shivaay can't be like this” “In your book shivaay won't do this” “In your book, shivaay won't hurt/cheat Anika”. Just wanted to know what will happen if in my book, shivaay does that. And yes, honestly I can't show shivaay like that. To say the truth, while typing update, I didn't use the name Shivaay instead used some random name and finally had to edit it out. I didn't proof read it because it was hard for me too.

Understood two things.
1) I can't degrade Shivaay's character however I try.
2) I'm too attached to the character of Shivaay Singh Oberoi. I don't know how to get rid of that.

I may laugh someday reading all these again because I'm too childish here but right now, I'm too emotional.

Sorry again for hurting you all. Never thought the readers are so attached to my books and the characters. In a way I feel so happy at the same time so terrible right now. I'm a very sensitive person myself and I can't imagine I made someone cry. I'm really really really very sorry. Please forgive me if you can :-(

Not waiting for everyone to read that update. I don't want to add to the sins of making someone cry. Hope that this part makes you happy though nothing much is revealed in this part. 


“What's wrong with you? I'm seeing you from the time we came from office. Is there any problem?” He asked and she shook her head with a forced smile.

“No! what problem. Just a slight headache. It'll go. You don't worry” She told settling on the bed and he settled on the opposite side.

She kept looking at him and he turned to look at her.

“What happened?” He asked with a smile and she shook her head.

“Is it working?” She asked softly and he looked confused at her.


“This marriage? Is it working for you?” She asked and he looked surprised at her.

“Why such a sudden question?”

“Just answer”

“Is it working for you?” He asked and she smiled faintly.

“Ya” She told and he smiled.

“Then it is working for me too” He told and she nodded. Why was he lying?

Moving a little closer to her, he kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes. He's not yours Anika. Don't take anything to your heart. He'll break it as always though unknowingly She thought.

“I can't imagine a life without you now” He told holding her palm in his and she looked at him with eyes full of pain. If he can't, then why is he going to do that? Ok may be he didn't find her worthy enough to have such a relation with her. May be he didn't want to wait. She thought.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked and she shook her head before turning to the other side. Letting her tears fall freely, she bit her lips hard to control her sobs. 

She felt his hand on her waist holding her close to him making her gasp.

“Anyway we'll end up like this in the morning. Let's sleep like this itself” He whispered in her ear and she hummed unknowingly in that effect.

After sometime, realising that he slept, she kept her hand on top of his hand before turning to him and hugging him properly keeping her head on his chest. Unknowingly it turned a habit which she couldn't get rid of.

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