Part 15 - Confessions

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My rants: Am I the only one seeing all these? When did NM and NK start following each other on insta? Just noticed it yesterday. Then puff I see NM's like on NK's pic. Today again I see NK's post inspired and tagged of NM. Is it all correlated or I'm just mad?

[PS: NK is Namit Khanna and NM is Nakuul Mehta. I know everyone know NM but still ;-) ]

Sanjivani ending, ishqbaaz 2 news, all these, above everything, NM's new hairstyle. What's happening? Is it all somewhere related?

PS: ignore all these. I'm just being mad here and I don't have anyone else to talk all these to. Nobody knows or understands about my ShivIka madness here at home. *Pout*



“Anika” He called shocked as she tried separating her from him but she had just held onto him as if her life depended on him.

Holding her, he slowly walked to the bed and sat there while making her sit on his lap.

“What happened to you? Tell me” he told caressing her hair.

“I don't deserve to live after doubting you this badly. Just kill me” She told and he parted her from him to look at her tear stained face.

His eyes brimmed up unknowingly looking at her red eyes.

“Tell me” he told holding her face between his palms and she told him everything that happened since last two days, choking on words.

“I'm sorry” She whispered as she completed saying everything and he looked at her without any expression on his face.

“It was sweety on the phone. Just called her to plan your birthday party. I had no idea how to decorate a room so called her and it was my first time giving a surprise to you. Every year it's Arnav's plan and I just——” He told as Sweety was Anika's friend and she started crying again hugging him as she felt guilty from head to toe.

“Anika, stop crying. Please” He told caressing her hair.

“I'm sorry” She repeated and parted her from him.

“Just forget it” He told and she looked at him.

“You're hurt right?” She asked and he looked away.

“I wouldn't dream of betraying you Anika” He told and she made him face her.

“You can punish me however you want” She told and he looked helplessly at her.

“Why did you tell this to me? I was so happy right? So happy then why?” He asked and tears rolled down her eyes eyes.

“Because of my stupidity, you cried for two whole days without telling anything to anyone” He told and she looked confused at him.

“You're hurt because I cried?” She asked.

“Obviously” He told surprised that she asked that question.

“Not because I doubted you?”

“No!” He told shocked.

“You have no problem that I doubted you?” She asked and he shrugged.

“Anyone in your place would have misunderstood and it's not your mistake” He told and she looked shocked at him.

“Not my mistake?” She asked shocked and he shook his head.

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