Part 25 - His Love

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She walked to her room followed by him not understanding what was the matter. As she opened the door, the scenario there, shook her completely. The room was dark with just the fairy lights all around. She walked inside the room with slow pace and heard the door of the room being closed.

Turning to him, she looked at his face in the glow of the fairy lights as he came closer to her. Holding her face between his palms, he kissed her and she stood still.

“I love you” He whispered against her lips and her shocked eyes bore into his in that faint glow.

“Deeply, madly and irrevocably” He whispered and she looked at him, her eyes showing a mix of emotions.

“I wanted you to know this before we take the next step in our relation. We may not have a perfect love story but I don't want it any other way” He told and she hugged him tightly.

“I don't know what to reply back. Do I love you too? How did you know you love me” She asked confused as she parted from the hug and he chuckled.

“I fell in love with the way you fall asleep; slowly, then all at once” He told and she gasped.

“You're my Hazel Grace and I'm your Augustus Waters” He told and she looked at him grinning like an idiot. The fault in our Stars was her favorite book and she had told him once about how she wanted to be the Hazel Grace of an Augustus Waters.

“Why am I like this? So romantically you told that and I can't even reply anything. I don't even know how to kiss you” She told with a pout and he chuckled.

“Take your own time. We have our entire lives and I'm ready to wait. About kissing, I'll teach you though I'm still learning. Who did ever say teaching and learning can't happen together?” He asked with a grin and she hit his chest as she blushed.

“Still, how do I know if I love you?” She asked and he smiled at her innocence.

“Anika, you've loved me all along but just that you're not accepting it. I don't know what you mean by love but for me, this feeling that I want to grow old with you, is love. This feeling that I can't spend a second of my life without you, is love. The wish to wake up seeing you every morning in my arms, is love. The way my heart flutters when you smile, is love. The way my heart skipped a beat when you called me Shiv for the first time, is love. Then.... Those Goosebumps and fainting type feeling when we kissed for the first time, is love. Each day, each minute, each second, you're giving me reasons to live and I should be a fool to not love you even after all these” He told and she heard him dumbstruck at his words.

He kissed her, slowly with all love in his heart and she followed him for the first time. Smiling in the kiss, he pulled her closer and raked fingers through her hair while her arms involuntarily moved around his neck.

He broke apart a few seconds later and pressed his forehead against hers as they breathed the same air. A small smile formed on her lips unknowingly and she hugged him with her eyes still shut.

“That's how you kiss” He whispered in her ear making her blush.

Parting her from the hug, he switched the light on and looked at her red face as he stood leaning on the door.

“Why did you cry?” He asked and she pouted.

“I thought you——” She left it unsaid and he smiled before walking to her.

“You thought I regretted it or I didn't want you” He told and she nodded slowly.

“Do you have concealer here?” She looked confused at the very unrelated topic between a serious matter.

A Twisted Tale Of Love [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now