Part 16 - Birthday gifts

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She opened her eyes expecting to see him but instead of him, there was a wrapped box on the bed. Sitting upright with a wide smile, she took the box and opened it only to see a small cute teddy bear making her pout.

“Teddy bear again?” She thought and took it out only to see a note along with it.

Since it's your twenty sixth birthday, let's get you twenty six teddy bears starting from this small one. What say?

She read that and her eyes widened in shock.

“Oh my God! Twenty six? What will I do with so many teddy bears?” She asked horrified and turned the paper to see another note.

Kidding girl! This is a key chain. Consider it your first gift. 1st gift means for your 1st birthday. You were that small so this small teddy bear. By the end of the day, you'll get your twenty sixth gift.

“God! He is mad!” She muttered and walked to the washroom only to see a gift box on the floor making her chuckle.

She picked it up and opened it to see a pair of earrings making her smile.

Cliché I know but I had seen you looking at this with so much longing when we went for jewellery shopping of our wedding. I don't know why you didn't buy this. May be you thought it's not needed but trust me it looks really good on you.

She read the note and looked at the earrings once again.

“It's the same” She told taking it in her hand.

“Oh God! This small stud costed around three lakhs” She told whining as that was the only reason she didn't buy it that day.

“He is completely mad” She thought shaking her head but then smiled and proceeded to get freshened up.

She came out and was drying her hair with a towel when she saw another box on the table.

“This was not there when I went inside” She thought and looked around to see coffee on the table in front of the couch.

Smiling she took the box and opened it to see a nose-stud.

“Nose stud?” She asked confused and took the note which was there along with it.

Not that the one which you're wearing right now is bad, but this will look pretty on you too

She read the note and blushed as she looked at the mirror.

Shaking her head, she removed the nose stud which she was wearing and put it on, then smiled looking at both the earrings and nose stud.

There was an arrow mark pointing to the next page and she turned the page.

Drink your coffee and open the wardrobe. ONLY AFTER DRINKING THE COFFEE

She read it with a chuckle and sipped the coffee as she opened the wardrobe to see a single red rose making her smile.

She took it along with the note under it.

This is not your fourth gift but this will lead to your fourth gift

She read the note and looked at the rose confused.

“Did he mean garden?” She thought confused but walked to the garden nevertheless.

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