Part 11 - Moments

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Her fingers involuntarily made patterns on his chest as she thought of diffrent ways to get up from the bed without waking him up. Pushing him would result in him to fall off the bed and she didn't want to hurt him more. Though he didn't show, she saw him few times stretching due to pain in his hip. She tried to take his hand off her waist but he made himself more comfortable by holding her even more tightly.

Very technically, she was trying to take each of his finger off her waist when he turned and hugged her literally, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck. She closed her eyes tightly as she held her breath feeling his lips on her neck. May be he'll kill her one day with his tortures she thought.

She slowly pulled his hair thinking he'll wake up but he was in deep sleep to feel that. Sighing, she pulled it a little more harshly and he nuzzled his face more in her neck as a sign of irritation making her hold onto his kurta in a tight grip. All her ways were backfiring and she decided to try one last way.

“SHIVAAY” she shouted and he pushed her off him before sitting on the bed startled.

“what happened? Did you fall somewhere? Did you get hurt?” He asked frantically and she shook her head.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked confused at her.

“Why did you call me then?”

“Did I call you? When did I call you?” She asked acting confused and he looked more confused at her.

“You didn't call me? Then who called me? Ah! Leave it” He told and got down the bed.

“I want to take my car from my home” She told and he turned to her.

“Why? Aren't you coming with me?” He asked confused.

“Nah! If I come with you, everyone will know about us right?”

“Who are you? My secret girlfriend? Girl, you're my legally wedded wife about whom anyone and everyone who follows news knows about” Shivaay told with a shrug.

“That's the problem. Everyone will look at me as if I'm an alien who came from Mars” She told with a frown and he chuckled.

“Do one thing, wear a burkha and change your name to some Anisa begum. Nobody will recognize you” He told.

“Ya next I'll have to do that to hide from everyone's prying eyes. I have to keep a board in front of me “Dear people, both my families are famous. Along with that, my brother and husband are amongst the top business men of India but please leave me alone. I'm none of the above but a normal human being” She told and he burst out laughing.

“You'll need it” He told and she frowned.

“What did I do to have all these limelight? I seriously don't like this. I managed to hide till our marriage but after that, I got more popularity. Besides being Arnav Singh Raizada's sister, Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife” She told and he sat beside her.

“You may be Arnav Singh Raizada's sister and Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife for the whole world but for me, you're just Anika who is unique in her own way, imperfectly perfect, and my very naughty cute kiddo” He told pulling her cheeks at the end with a smile and tears brimmed up in her eyes.

She kept her head on his chest and hugged him holding his waist while still sitting.

“Forget about limelight. Neither me, nor Arnav can help it. Do you think I like all these limelights? I seriously don't” He told and she nodded.

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