Part 21 - Memories

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He looked at her sleeping on his chest as he caressed her hair. He couldn't sleep the whole night as first of all he was sitting and she was sleeping on him, second, he finally realised how much pain his girl was hiding inside. She was not someone whom he thought to be. Long gone was her childishness as he saw an entirely different shade of her, last night.

He slowly separated her from him but she opened her eyes with a jerk before shaking her head and tightening her hold on him. Apparently she was scared to even leave him.

“I'm not going anywhere” He whispered and she looked at him with puffed up eyes.

“Look at your face. Arnav should see you now. He'll kill me without even telling the reason” He told and she smiled looking at him.

“Finally! You smiled” He told and she kept her head on his chest.

“If Papa loved maasi so much, how could he accept mumma? Did his love for her die so soon? I was born exactly an year after their marriage which meant I was concieved almost two months after their marriage. How can Papa forget maasi so soon? Didn't Papa love her? Is this his love?” She asked. This was haunting her from last night when Shivaay told everything to her.

“Do you think so low of uncle? He loved aunty more than anything in this world. Uncle took more time than Arnav to accept Radha aunty. You were born out of artificial insemination not out of their love. Uncle was ready to do that just to save Arnav. Doctors suggested that may be the coming of a baby can help to save Arnav and they both were ready to do anything for Arnav. Don't have a misconception about your Papa” he told and she looked at him with wide eyes.

“B-but Papa and mumma loves each other”

“So? Love can't happen twice?” He asked and she looked away.

“So you'll also?” She asked softly.

“Look at me” He told and she did slowly. 

He took her palm and kept it on his chest. She took her hand back immediately as she felt his heart slamming against her palm.

“What do you feel?” He asked and she looked at him with wide eyes.

“Don't ask this question again. The way my heart beats and the way my breath shortens is not in my control” He told and she hugged him tightly before kissing his chest.

“I won't” She whispered and he closed his eyes as he kept the tears in captivation of his eyes before it could fall.

When she felt his heartbeats turn calm, she spoke.

“Don't tell bhaiyya that I know everything. He'll be hurt if he ever comes to know this” She told softly.

“Especially if he comes to know that I have been bottling up everything in mind all these years” She told.

“Will you say?” She asked and he sighed.

“He has the right to know at least now. Everything happened in front of me and only I know how much he has gone through. You gave him the will to live and——”

“I know but if he comes to know that all these years—— I can't. Let it be like this” She told as her voice choked and he kissed her forehead.

“Will you tell him?”

“You're making it difficult for me” He told and she sighed.

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