Part 20 - Arnav's Anika

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“What?” He whispered parting her from him and the first emotion that came to her face was shock. What did she just blabber?

“What did you say now?” He asked and she shook her head frantically.

“I——I didn't——”

“You did. You said you'll never let our baby go through all the pains Arnav went through. What did you mean by that? How did you come to know that?” He asked as his senses turned foggy to think rationally.

She did nothing but cry hugging him tightly tearing apart his heart. Tears rolled down her eyes one after the other even after she turned tired.

“Anika” He called caressing her hair.

“Can I stay like this for a while?” She asked softly and he closed his eyes hearing her raspy voice.

“Hmm” He told holding her close to him.

“I'll get you water” He told but she shook her head.

“Just stay here. I need you now, not water” She told and for a moment, he doubted if she was the same Anika whom he calls kid. She sounded so mature at that very moment.

She raised her head from his chest to look at his face, after sometime.

“When?” He asked and she looked down as tears dripped down her eyes.

He gently wiped those tears and shook his head.

“When I was 16” She told and he looked shocked at her.

“Are you serious?” He asked, his voice a mere whisper and she nodded.

“Since then I just——not able to tell anyone, I just kept everything inside me. I'm his sister, his Anika. No one else's. I'm his baby sister always” She told as tears rolled down her eyes and he felt his whole body numb.

“What if I'm not his real sister, I'm his Anika” She told pointing at herself vigorously and he hugged her tightly for that was all he could do. What he feared was right in front of him in a completely different way.

“Baby why didn't you tell this to anyone? Why did you——?”

“I was scared. I was scared if I told him. What if he goes away from me? What if he see me differently?” She asked and he felt tears rolling down his eyes.

“Do you think he'll do that? For him, you're his world. Arnav's Anika you're. That's how he always told” He told.

“I know but I was scared. I didn't know what else to do than to cry. I was just 16” She told and he parted her from the hug.

“How did you? We did everything to keep you away” He told and she looked away as she was finally about to get the weight off her.

“You both had your yearly exams at that time and bhaiyya was staying here with you. I had some doubt but Bhaiyya was not there so I thought to call him and was going to take the phone from mumma papa's room. They were talking something and I was curious when I heard Bhaiyya's and my name. I got everything I needed from their conversation. I was shaking by the time I reached my room. It was too much——too much for me to handle at that age” She told as her eyes turned blank.

“I couldn't cry. I screamed but voice didn't come out. I hit myself thinking I'll wake up from this dream but——” She told and burst out crying shaking her head. He pulled her to his chest as she cried hugging him tightly.

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