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Clarke had seen Lexa run off inside. She had immediately ended her singing and her little performance got some applause by the crowd. She smiled at them politely but her eyes never left sight of Lexa. She didn’t know the brunette at all but something in her told her she should go after her and check if she’s okay. And so she did. She had seen the brunette going upstairs but then she couldn’t see anymore where she had went. Clarke opened a random door but realised she had picked the wrong room when she saw Octavia making out with someone she had never seen before on the bed. They were both too busy with sucking each others faces off, they had never noticed Clarke opening the door. Clarke quietly closed the door again to not interrupt them and picked the next door. This room was empty now and Clarke was about to leave until she noticed the light of fire projecting on the walls of the dark room. She opened the door wider again and looked at the place where the light came from. She saw Lexa sitting by the fire, her legs pressed to her chest while she held them with her arms. Her face was resting on her knees so it was harder to recognize her but who else would sit like this here. Clarke quietly entered the room and walked to the balcony. There was a window that seperated the room from the balcony and Clarke slowly opened it. Lexa heard it and looked up. She wiped her tears away when she saw Clarke but neither of them didn’t say anything. Clarke walked to the edge and leaned against the board while looking at the stars above her. Lexa expected the blonde to say something but she didn’t. It was just quiet and something in Lexa started to boil. After a while, what felt like an eternity for Lexa, Clarke picked a box of cigarettes out of her pocket. She got one out of the box and held it out to Lexa. “Want one?” She asked and Lexa scoffed but took it. She had never smoked before but she wanted to try it once and now she was in the mood for it. “What?” Clarke had noticed Lexa’s scoff. “You follow me here, see me crying but don’t say anything.” 
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I don’t know why I didn't say anything. I just thought you would talk yourself if you wanted to. We don’t know each other that well so I didn’t want to intrude.” 
“You intruded the moment you opened the window and stepped on this balcony.” Lexa said with plain voice. It was clear for Clarke that Lexa didn’t want her here. “Alright, I’m sorry if I crossed a line here.” Clarke said and she was about to leave Lexa alone again but the brunette grabbed her hand and held her back. Clarke noticed how soft Lexa’s hands were and how they fitted perfectly in hers. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted this way. It’s just… I don’t know. I-” Lexa stammered and Clarke interrupted her. “It’s okay. If you want to talk about it I am here to listen to you. If you don’t then I fully understand and respect that and will leave you alone if you want that.” Clarke said and she waited for Lexa to give a response. Lexa didn’t know if she wanted to talk about it though. Not that she didn’t want to because it was to Clarke but just because it was a sensitive subject. But somehow she also felt she needed to talk about it and strangely enough she felt she could do that with Clarke. “Alright.” Lexa sighed. “I guess I need to talk about it at some point.” 
“Maybe it’ll go better if we had a drink? Do you want me to get one?” Clarke offered. “No thanks. I don’t drink.” Lexa said and Clarke looked at confused at the brunette. “What?” Lexa asked. “You don’t drink but you do smoke?” Clarke asked while she looked at the cigarette Lexa was still holding in her hand. Lexa followed her eyes to the cigarette and held it up to look at it more precisely. “Actually I don’t smoke either but I want to try tonight. Alcohol I have tried before but I stopped.” Lexa said while she tensed her jaw. Clarke could see it was another sensitive story and decided to not ask after it until Lexa would tell her herself. Instead she got her lighter out of her pocket and Lexa looked at it but didn’t move. Because Clarke knew this was her first time trying it she thought she might need some help. Clarke’s fingers brushed over Lexa’s. “Can I?” She asked and Lexa nodded because her words were suddenly gone. Clarke took the cigarette out of her hands and placed it between Lexa’s slightly parted lips. She noticed the little mole on her top lip and felt Lexa’s eyes staring at her. She brought the lighter to the cigarette and lighted it on fire. “Inhale.” Clarke said and Lexa did. Immediately she started to cough and Clarke laughed. “I don’t get how you can like this.” Lexa said between some coughs. “Good because I don’t want you to become an addict. It sucks to be, believe me.” Clarke said and she took Lexa’s cigarette again but smoked it herself. “Then don’t be one.” Lexa said and Clarke laughed. “I’m serious. You can stop.” Lexa said and Clarke quirked an eyebrow at her. “You really think I haven’t tried that before?” 
“Clearly not hard enough. Smoking is for the weak. You can’t stop because you’re weak.” 
“I’m not weak.” 
“Then stop.”
“Alright. I will stop to proof to you I’m not weak. This is going to be my last cigarette ever.” Clarke said as she inhaled deeply. Lexa raised her eyebrows while she grinned. “Sure.” She said ironically.

” She said ironically

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