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2 weeks had passed meanwhile and Lincoln was checking Lexa’s bulletwound for the last time

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2 weeks had passed meanwhile and Lincoln was checking Lexa’s bulletwound for the last time. “It’s looking good. Do some exercises to get those muscles moving again but don’t overwork yourself.” Lincoln said and Lexa lowered her shirt again. Her head was laying in Clarke’s lap and she looked up to the blonde. Clarke looked at her with an excited smile and leaned in to kiss her. “I’ll help you with that.” Clarke said and she pecked her girlfriend’s lips again. “We all know what kind of exercises you mean.” Raven said with a grin while she wiggled her eyebrows and Clarke sighed while pointing her middle finger at her friends. “Yes that’s right! I was referring to fucking.” Raven said and Lexa had to laugh what caused Clarke to slap her on the shoulder lightly. “Don’t worry Clarke. Luna helps me with my leg exercises too. Always spreading my legs, if you know what I mean.” Raven said with a wink. “Oh god no you made me see it in front of me.” Lexa whined while she covered her eyes and it made Raven and Clarke laugh. “How long have you guys been living together?” Lincoln asked while looking at the three girls. “For about 2 weeks.” Clarke replied. “Wow how did you survive?I mean the whole time you guys are just making each other suffer.” 
“Oh believe me I had to keep these two away from each other sometimes or they would have killed each other.” Clarke said. “Thank God they both can’t move that much.” Raven’s and Lexa’s eyebrows shot up from hearing that. They didn’t need to say anything. A gaze towards each other was enough for the two women to throw Clarke on her back on the mattress. They tickled the blonde while Clarke kept on begging to stop. “Wow that’s a first that you’re begging me to stop.” Lexa said with a grin and Clarke was shook. “That’s what I like to hear!” Raven said and she high fived Lexa. “Babe! Lexa made a sexual joke!” Raven shouted to Luna who walked to them now. “Look at that. Little kids do grow up.” Luna teased while rubbing her hand over Lexa’s head, making her hair messy. Lexa blew the hair out of her face. “I can’t handle this anymore.” She sighed and she turned her face to Clarke now. “Let’s get out of here. You and me. Somewhere else for the weekend.” Clarke froze at the sudden suggestion. “Now?” Clarke asked. “Yeah. Why not? I think we deserve it after all what we’ve been through. Some time for the two of us.” Lexa said and Clarke looked over at Raven and Luna. “Don’t worry about me, Clarke. I have a beautiful girlfriend who will take good care of me.” Raven said and Luna nodded. “I promise.” She said and Clarke looked back at Lexa with a smile. “Let’s go.” 


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