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The morning existed out of Clarke and Lexa teasing Octavia and Lincoln but the two girls didn’t talk about what had happened last night nor this morning. Both didn’t know what to say so it ended with Lincoln and Lexa leaving because Lincoln had to work at the hospital in the afternoon. Clarke stayed longer to help Octavia clean up. “So what do you think of Lexa?” Octavia asked while they were cleaning up. “She’s okay I guess.” Clarke answered without looking up. “It seemed like you two hitted it off yesterday.” Octavia carefully asked because she wanted to know more of what had happened. Clarke looked up now while she frowned. “What do you mean?” Clarke was confused by the question because she hadn’t seen Octavia after she met Lexa. Both of them had been on the roof almost the whole night. “I don’t know. You slept in the same bed. I don’t think if she was still a stranger to you you would have let her.” 
“You basically didn’t give me a choice. You just ditched the girl and let her alone while she didn’t know anyone here. And that’s not the only thing. She was hurted because of her breakup and you weren’t there for her. So I was, like always, the sweet person.” 
“Okay first of all, I didn’t ditch her because she ditched me. Raven had dragged her away from me. It’s not my fault Raven let her alone. I didn’t know that would happen. Where did Raven go anyway?”
“I actually don’t know. I haven’t seen her last night. Lexa said that Murphy wanted to talk to her and that was where Raven had left her alone and I started to talk to Lexa.” 
“So you just randomly approached Lexa? Why?” Octavia asked, focussing on them again and Clarke narrowed her eyes at her friend. “What is up with you this morning? Is it that strange I talk to someone when I see she has no friends there at all? She was on your party so I knew you knew her. I can’t just let your friends not having a good time on a party. They call me party Griffin for a reason.” Clarke said and Octavia decided she would drop the subject since Clarke was suspecting her now. She didn’t want to push her friend in telling something she’s not comfortable with. 

Clarke picked up all the empty cups in the garden until something shiny caught her eyes

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Clarke picked up all the empty cups in the garden until something shiny caught her eyes. She walked towards it and saw a necklace laying in the grass. She picked it up and traced the rose gold heart shaped lock. “O!” Clarke shouted to Octavia and the girl walked outside again. “What?” Octavia asked and Clarke showed the necklace. “I found this here. Do you recognize it?” 
“Actually I do. That’s Lexa’s necklace.” Octavia noticed and she took the necklace in her hands. “What about Lexa?” They suddenly heard and they turned around to see Raven walk over to them. The girl didn’t look good at all. She had bags under her eyes like she hadn’t slept at all. “We found her necklace in the grass.” Clarke said while she motioned to the necklace. “It’s a nice one.” Raven said with dead voice and it made both Clarke and Octavia worried. “Let’s talk inside with a coffee.” Octavia suggested, not because she needed it but because it seemed like Raven needed it. “So what happened?” Clarke asked. “It’s over. It’s officially over. We’re done. He said he really loves Emori and that she makes him a better person while all we do is work on each others nerves and piss each other off. He’s right in that.” Raven said while she stared at her damping cup of coffee. “Still he shouldn’t have kissed her while you two were together. What an asshole.” Clarke scoffed. “We weren’t really together. We were in a fight. Again.” 
“Just because you two had a fight doesn’t mean he should go and kiss other people, Raven. Even in a fight you’re still together.”
“He loves her.” Raven said with croaky voice and Clarke reached over the table to hold Raven’s hands in hers. A tear rolled down Raven’s cheek and Octavia got up from her chair to give the girl a hug from behind. “I slept with him.” Raven suddenly said and both Octavia and Clarke froze. “What?” Clarke asked because she hoped she had heard it wrong. “We slept together one last time. As closure.” Raven said and Clarke let out a big sigh while she rested her head in her hands. “Raven, that’s bullshit. He’s just using you.” Clarke said and Raven just stared in front of her. “Did it make u feel better?” Clarke asked and Raven shook her head while she started to sob. “I felt like shit.” 
“Of course you did! There is not something like closure, Raven. You’re the smartest off all three of us. How could you not know this? A break up we need to live. It hurts. It hurts, of course it does because you just lost someone that meant everything to you. And it may seems to you like your whole future is ruined and that he is the one for you, but he isn’t when he treats you like that. This pain you feel right now just proves you are alive. It’s not about how hard we get knocked down, it’s how we get up and fight. And how we deal with the pain. But this pain you are feeling now, you just did that to yourself.” Clarke said in an outburst and Octavia scowled. “Clarke, calm down.” Octavia said while she rubbed Raven’s arms to comfort. “It’s not the smartest move no but even if she hadn’t done it she would have felt like shit so there is nothing to argue about. It happened. It’s in the past now and so is Murphy so let’s move on from it.” Octavia said and Clarke took a deep breath. “Come on Raven. You look really tired. Let’s get you into bed so you can catch up some sleep.” Octavia said while she helped her friend up. While Raven walked to the bedroom, Octavia turned around to Clarke again. “Where’s the sweet side now, huh?” Octavia asked with a stern look and Clarke sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m just mad at Murphy. I mean how could he?!” Clarke raised her voice again and Octavia shushed her. “I don’t want to hear it. Murphy isn’t here now so it has no use to complain about him. Raven is here and it’s important that we are there for her.” Octavia said and Clarke nodded. “You’re right. I’ll apologize.” Clarke said and she was going to walk to Raven but Octavia held her back. “Yeah you should but not now. She needs sleep. I’ll take care of her. I need you to bring Lexa her necklace back.” Octavia said while she gave her the necklace and wrote her address on a small paper. Clarke started to protest but Octavia didn’t listen and sended her away. 

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