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Clarke was the first one to wake up and a smile came up her face as she noticed that Lexa’s arms were still around her

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Clarke was the first one to wake up and a smile came up her face as she noticed that Lexa’s arms were still around her. She looked up and saw the brunette still sleeping peacefully. She stared at Lexa for a while, her head resting on top of her folded hands on Lexa’s chest. She thought back of last night, the heating and tingling feeling when Lexa came closer. Did she really want Lexa to kiss her? She never had this before with a girl and it confused her. Isn’t she straight? There were a lot of questions in her head and none of them she could answer. She was so deep in thought, she hadn’t noticed that Lexa started to wake up and was watching her now. “What are you thinking about?” Lexa asked and Clarke startled. “Jesus, don’t scare someone like that.” Clarke said and Lexa had to laugh. “You don’t have to call me Jesus. Lexa is enough.” Lexa said and Clarke pinched her side so Lexa was squirming underneath her now. Lexa begged her to stop and when Clarke thought she had teased the brunette enough, she did. “What a way to wake up. I thought it would be with a  breakfast on bed but no you’re just torturing me in my own house and in my own bed.” 
“I’ve been awake myself for like 5 minutes. How can I make a breakfast in that short of a time?” Clarke asked and Lexa smiled at the blonde. “I’m just kidding.” 
“No, alright. I’ll go make you a breakfast on bed.” Clarke said and she got up from the bed but Lexa held her back by taking her hand and pulling her back on the bed. “No you don’t have to. I was just kidding. I swear.” Lexa said and Clarke smiled. “I know you were but I slept on you this night so I want to do this as a thank you.”
“Okay but what if you thank me by buying me breakfast?” Lexa asked and Clarke looked confused at the brunette. “I feel like leaving the house. What do you think of grabbing a coffee? And you don’t even need to pay. I just wanted to suggest it.” 
“Alright. Why not? Do you mind if I borrow some more clothes of you then? I don’t think mine will be dry already.” Clarke said and Lexa got up from the bed to open her closet. “Take what you want.” She said with a smile and Clarke looked at the clothes. 

Clarke and Lexa were walking down the streets after they got their coffee

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Clarke and Lexa were walking down the streets after they got their coffee. “Have you thought about my offer?” Clarke asked and Lexa looked confused up at the blonde. “Your offer? What offer?” 
“Coming on tour with us in Paris and Sydney together with Octavia.” Clarke said and Lexa was surprised by it. “Uhm… No I haven’t really thought about it since the whole thing happened and I didn’t think it would’ve lasted.” 
“But it did last and I want you to come. Octavia will be happy too. When we are practising or something, she has someone to go and see some things in the city.” 
“You really want me to come?” Lexa asked and she looked at Clarke to make sure. “Yes. I don’t know how but everytime I’m with you, I’m having fun.” Clarke said with a smile and Lexa scoffed. “Except for that last time…” 
“Let’s not talk about that night anymore. What happened, happened and me being mad at you for it while it wasn’t your fault would be lose for me. I don’t want to lose you, Lexa. You mean a lot to me.” Clarke said and Lexa’s heart warmed as she heard the blonde say that. “I don’t want to lose you either.” Lexa said and they shortly smiled at each other. “So it’s a yes?” Clarke asked with excitement. “It’s a yes if I can arrange something with my photoshoots if I have those on the days I would be gone.” 
“When are you leaving for the tour?” 
“Tomorrow. Starting in South America then Europe and keeping Paris at last so that’s where you and Octavia come in. We stay in Paris for a few day before we travel to Sydney and stay there too. Then you leave back to LA and we go to Asia before returning to the United States too and perform there too before it’s finished.” 
“It will be busy times for you. Make sure you have some time for me too.” 
“Always.” Clarke said with a smile. 


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