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Clarke woke up by the feeling of poke in her side. “What-” Clarke asked with sleepy voice while she barely opened her eyes to not get blinded by the bright light that shined through their window secured by bars. “Get up. We need to get out early to get you on the phone.” Anya said and Clarke got up immediately. They walked to the phone’s hanging on the wall to see them all being used. “What now?” Clarke asked and Anya didn’t say anything. She just walked up to the first phone and took it out of the hands of the inmate that was calling and hung it on the wall again what made the call end. “Hey what was that?! I was calling!” The inmate protested and Anya came a bit closer to her, face only inches away. Anya was taller than the inmate so she had to look down a bit. The inmate backed away with raised hands and Anya motioned to Clarke she should come closer. She handed over the phone to Clarke who started to dial Lexa’s number as fast as she could. She tapped her foot against the floor while she waited for Lexa to pick up. “Clarke?” She heard a shaky voice immediately over the phone. Clarke laughed with tears in her eyes when she heard the voice of her lover. “Lex.” She said with a sigh of relief. “How are you? Are they treating you bad? Why didn’t you call yesterday? I missed you so much.” Lexa said fast without a breath in between and Clarke chuckled. “I missed you too, Lexa. So much. And I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Clarke said, hoping it would calm her down. “You know I do. I love you.” 
“And I love you too. How are you? Kane told me about the second surgery. Please take care of yourself.” 
“I’m fine, Clarke. I just wish I could’ve gone after you. You didn’t do anything.” 
“Lexa…” Clarke started but Lexa didn’t let her finish. “No Clarke. I should be there. If at the trial you don’t get free, I’m going to tell it all. I’m going to tell the truth. It was not you, it was me. You don’t belong there.”  Lexa said with shaky voice and Clarke shook her head while she heard the regret in Lexa’s voice. “Neither do you.” Clarke said and she didn’t get a reply for a moment. “I killed her Clarke. I should be up there.” Lexa whispered.
“I’m not going to let that happen. You’re a good person.” 
“And you know I won’t let it happen that you stay there. Even if I need to dig a hole to get you free, I’m not leaving you there.” Lexa said and Clarke knew she meant those things. “Hold on saviour. Keep your shovel in your closet. First the trial needs to come. Kane says he sees us winning it.” 
“Yeah I know. I’ve texted him yesterday when I didn’t receive any call of you. Why didn’t you call yesterday?”
“Because I couldn’t get to the phone in time. There was like a whole line. I’m sorry if I worried you.” 
“It’s alright. I’m just happy to hear you’re alright. Have they been nice to you?” Lexa asked and Clarke’s eyes shifted to Anya. “Well not all of them of course but I have someone who’s helping me. And actually you might be able to help her too.” Clarke said and Anya froze when she realised Clarke was going to talk about her to Lexa. “Of course. If she’s helping you, I will do anything to help her. But why me? Why would I be able to help her?” Lexa asked confused. “Because you put her here.” Clarke said and it was quiet for a while on the other side of the line. “Lexa? Are you still there?” Clarke asked when she found it too quiet. “Are you talking about Anya?” Lexa asked quietly, careful so only Clarke would hear. “Yes I am.” Clarke said and she heard Lexa cursing on the other side of the line. “Has she done something to you? Hurt you? Threatened you?” Lexa asked in a rush. “I just told you Anya is helping me. It’s because of her we’re talking at the moment.” 
“You can’t trust her, Clarke. You need to be careful around her. Stay away from her.” 
“Lexa, you know I love you but I’m going to say no. I can trust her. She saved me from getting beat up yesterday when I tried to call you and now she fixed this phone for us too even. I know what happened between you two. I know about the fraud but it’s all a misunderstanding. It wasn’t Anya. It was Costia who made the deposit to her account so she could mislead you into blaming Anya and ruining the bound you two had. Anya is innocent.” Clarke explained and Anya listened carefully. “Or she’s just messing with your head, taking advantage of Costia who’s not able to defend herself anymore. It’s easy to blame it on the death. It’s her way to get out of there.” 
“Lexa, baby listen to me. I know you feel guilty about Costia’s death but she wasn’t innocent. She did everything she could to have you for herself. She was about to kill me for that. Why wouldn’t she make it look like Anya stole money of you so she would end up in jail and have you all for herself again.I believe her.” 
“She wanted to kill you because you were mine and I was yours. We love each other. How can that be the same for Anya and me?” Lexa asked and it’s in that moment that Clarke realised that Lexa never knew how Anya felt about her. She looked over at Anya who didn’t seem to hear anything that has been said over the phone. Clarke didn’t know if she could tell it or not. It wasn’t her decision to make. “Maybe Costia saw Anya as a threat for your relationship. It doesn’t matter why she did it. Anya didn’t do such a thing.” Clarke said determined. “How can you be so sure of that? You know her for 2 days.” 
“I can feel it and I can see it in her eyes.” Clarke said and Lexa was quiet for a while. “I’ll look what I can do.” Lexa finally said with a sigh and Clarke made a little jump of joy. “Thanks. Don’t come to the trial by the way tomorrow.” 
“Why not? I want to be there.” 
“Lexa’s you’ve just had surgery. I don’t want you to hurt yourself again. I’ll be fine.”
“We’ll see about that. Just know that you have to stick to the story of what happened. It was an act of self defence.” Lexa said and Clarke nodded. “Yes ma’am.” 
“Great. Rock it tomorrow baby. We’re going to get you out.” Lexa said and Clarke smiled. “I love you Lex.” 
“I love you Clarke.” Lexa said and she waited for Clarke to hang up the phone. For a moment both of them just didn’t end the call and rested the phone against their ears. Listening carefully to each other’s breath. It wasn’t until Anya told Clarke they had to leave the phone to the other inmates that the blonde ended the call. 

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