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The hotel where they stayed at had a restaurant on the roof and everyone had went there to eat after the concert

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The hotel where they stayed at had a restaurant on the roof and everyone had went there to eat after the concert. The whole night all of them had laughed and got to know each other more since Lexa and Luna were new to the group. "For a moment I was scared to lose my spot in the band." Bellamy said and Lexa laughed. "Who knows Bellamy. Maybe you did." Clarke said and she had to dodge for Bellamy's pinches. "No you don't have to fear me. As fun as this was, I'm still staying with being a model." Lexa said and Octavia shot up from her chair and ran to Lexa to sit on her lap. "Hell yes! This bitch isn't leaving me." She said and Octavia kissed her cheek. "Hey you already have a Woods, lady. Don't claim them all." Clarke said and Octavia licked Lexa's cheek instead. Lexa cringed at the feeling and pushed Octavia off of her. "Talking about the other Woods. How are things going with Lincoln?" Raven asked now and Octavia smiled at hearing his name. "Good. Very good actually." 
"Are you two official? Or is it just between the sheets?" Raven asked and both Lexa and Bellamy started to groan. "Please don't start about the sexlife of my sister." Bellamy said and Lexa could only agree. Octavia hugged her brother from behind. "Don't worry guys he's just acting like this because he couldn't get that French girl in his bed. Instead he got this beautiful  red nose like Rudolph. And yes Lincoln and I are officially together and no it's not for what's between his legs although I'm very happy with that too." Octavia said and she kissed her brother's cheek before returning to her chair. "I've heard you two already so I don't need the details either." Lexa said to back Bellamy up and everyone just laughed. "What about me though? You hit on Lincoln and Lexa but what about me? I'm a Woods too." Luna said. 
"You're our cousin. It's not the same." Lexa said and Luna pointed her middle finger. "
"I have an idea." Jasper said and everyone looked at him to continue. He drank the rest of his drink so the bottle was empty and placed it on the table then. "What do you think about spin the bottle?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows and Luna scoffed. "What are we? 12?" She asked and Jasper looked challenging at her. "This is your shot to have a taste of Octavia too." He said and Luna scoffed again. "We all know it's you who has a crush on Octavia, Jasper." Raven said and everyone laughed. "Alright let's do it." Luna said while she looked at Raven. She didn't say it for Octavia. She did it to be able to feel Raven's lips on hers again. Jasper spinned the bottle first and started to get excited  when he saw the bottle slowing down on Octavia. But his excitement didn't last long when the bottle pointed at Bellamy instead. "Oh hell no." Bellamy said and Jasper got up from his chair. "Rules are rules, pretty boy." He said and he straddled Bellamy's lap before leaning in to kiss him. It didn't take long before Bellamy pushed the boy of his lap and wiped his mouth with his hand. Jasper winked before he sat down again. It was Clarke's turn now and Lexa and her shared a gaze while the bottle was spinning. Lexa's heart skipped a beat everytime the bottle passed her but it didn't end on her. It ended on Octavia instead and Lexa couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. This had been her chance to feel how it's like to kiss Clarke. On the other side she was happy it didn't land on one of the boys and it just landed on Octavia, one of her best friends and who is interested in Lincoln anyways. Clarke got up from her chair and pulled Octavia up from hers. The two friends grinned at each other before Clarke pulled her closer by her neck and started to kiss Octavia. The kiss was longer than Jasper's and Bellamy's and more sensual for sure. Lexa just watched while her lips tingled of jealousy. Everyone cheered when they saw the two using their tongue. Everyone but Lexa. The whole time Lexa had held her breath and when the two pulled away she breathed again. "Talking about a french kiss." Octavia said with a wink before she sat down. "You two are not telling me this is the first time you did that." Jasper said with open mouth. "You have no idea what happens on our sleepovers." Raven said and the boys all looked at each other with widened eyes while the three girl just laughed. Raven took the bottle now and spinned it. "Give me some love." She said while she watched it spinning. Luna watched the bottle spinning while she moved her leg up and down. For  a moment she thought it was going to land on her but she saw the bottle passing her painfully slow and landing on Lexa instead. Lexa's eyes widened and she looked up at her cousin who looked back with defeated expression. There was nothing she could do so she just got up from her chair and and walked to Raven. "I feel pressure since you're an expert in kissing girls and I've never done that before." Raven said and Luna's heart ached at hearing those words. Lexa nervously laughed at Raven but wanted this to be over already because she could imagine how hard her cousin was suffering now. "Are you ready?" Lexa asked and Raven nodded before Lexa cupped the latina's face in her hands and kissed her softly. "Wow. You're a great kisser." Raven said and Luna got up from her chair. "I don't feel so good so I'm going to sleep." She said and she didn't wait for a reply even though Jasper said it hadn't been her turn yet. "I'll go check on her." Lexa said and she started to walk after Luna but she stopped when she heard Clarke call her name. "Is everything alright?" The blonde asked and Lexa smiled at her. "Yeah don't worry. I'll explain it some other time. Good night Clarke." She said and she kissed the blonde's cheek before going after Luna. She knocked on her cousin's hotel door and Luna opened it. "Are you okay?" Lexa asked but she could already see the answer on her cousin's face. "Take a guess Lexa. The girl I like thinks my cousin is her first female kiss while that was me actually." 
"What could I do?" 
"Nothing. I know you couldn't do anything but it doesn't mean it doesn't sucks." Luna said and Lexa pulled her cousin into a hug. "I know but why haven't you ever told her." 
"I didn't know how. It's too late now anyways." 
"You need some sleep. Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" Lexa asked and Luna nodded. 

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