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⚠️sex part behind ___ ⚠️ only one part left

They waved their friends goodbye while Lexa held Clarke’s waist from behind as they saw them leaving in the bus. Once they disappeared from view Clarke turned around in Lexa’s arms and took her head in her hands and kissed her. Their lips slowly brushing against each other. They rested their foreheads against each other without opening their eyes. Just enjoying the moment where they didn’t think of anything else but each other and how lucky they were to have each other. Both slowly opened their eyes but they didn’t say anything. They just looked into each other’s eyes, switching from the left to the right one. “I love you.” Lexa whispered and it always warmed Clarke’s heart when she said that. “I love you too.” Clarke whispered back with a smile. “Want to stay in our garden for a little while longer?” Lexa asked with a smile and Clarke chuckled because she knew Lexa meant the beach. “As long as it’s with you I don’t care where you take me.” Clarke said and Lexa’s smile became wider while she pecked the blonde’s lips. “I’ll go get some blankets to keep us warm.” Lexa said and she quickly went inside the house to get some while Clarke already headed to the beach. When Lexa came back she saw the blonde staring at the moon reflecting on the water. Lexa handed her a blanket and they sat down on the sand. “It’s so beautiful.” She whispered under her breath and Lexa nodded while she laid down on her back to get full view of the sky. Clarke joined her, scooting closer to the brunette. Lexa pointed at the sky, pointing at some stars and naming them but Clarke didn’t look at the sky. She looked at Lexa. The brunette didn’t realise it until Clarke brought her hand up to Lexa’s, intertwining their fingers in the air before bringing them down between their bodies. Lexa looked at Clarke now too. For some seconds they just stared at each other until Clarke pulled Lexa in a kiss by her neck. Lexa’s hand naturally laid on Clarke’s hip to pull her closer against her body. In that moment they didn’t care about anything else but their moment. 

A couple of hours had passed, it was the middle of the night and still they were on the beach talking, joking, and kissing

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A couple of hours had passed, it was the middle of the night and still they were on the beach talking, joking, and kissing. Lexa suddenly got up and played a song from her phone. She reached her hand out to Clarke. “Miss Griffin, may I have this dance?” She asked and Clarke chuckled while taking it. Lexa pulled her up and pulled her against her body while slowing. She hummed with the song while resting her cheek against Clarke’s head while their bodies slowly moved as one. After a while Lexa could feel the blonde shuddering against her. “Let’s get inside so you can see our room.” Lexa said and she laid her arm over Clarke’s shoulder to keep her warm. “You can go ahead. It’s the first door on your left once you got up the stairs. I need to get our bag with stuff.” Lexa said once they got inside and Clarke followed her instructions. She carefully looked around while walking to the room. The moment she opened the door of the bedroom, she immediately could see the sea through the window and absolutely loved the room. She walked further and let her fingertips brush over the textile of the covers. Clarke was so caught up in looking around that she hadn't noticed Lexa coming up the stair. The brunette stood in the doorway, watching Clarke with a smile seeing on the blonde's face that she liked the room. Lexa walked further in the room, setting the bag on the ground. Clarke turned around when she heard Lexa. "Do you like it?" Lexa asked and she walked closer to Clarke until she stood right in front of her and laid her hands on her hips. "I love it." Clarke said and she laid her hands on Lexa's shoulders. 

Lexa leaned in to kiss Clarke while her hands travelled under Clarke's shirt, massaging the skin. Clarke pulled away to pull Lexa's shirt over her head, immediately kissing her again when it was out while her hands opened her pants and pulled them down. Meanwhile Lexa pulled Clarke's shirt over her head too. Clarke's hand travelled from her back into Lexa's underwear, kneading the cheek of her butt. Lexa had to pull away from the kiss, her breath catching in her throat. Clarke immediately kissed Lexa’s neck instead and Lexa’s breath started to get heavy. It was getting too much for her so she grabbed Clarke’s waist and pushed her gently so she fell on the bed on her back. Clarke watched with dark eyes how Lexa pulled Clarke’s pants and underwear off before taking the rest of her clothes off too. Lexa climbed on the bed too, laying on top of Clarke. Her leg laid between Clarke’s thighs and their breasts were touching. Clarke moaned against Lexa’s lips as the brunette rubbed  her leg against her core. When Clarke pulled away to breathe, Lexa started to kiss down her neck going more and more down. A trail of kisses between her breasts towards her navel. Clarke’s breath started to quicken more and more the lower Lexa went. Her hand automatically rested on Lexa’s head as she reached the final destination. Clarke canted her hips as Lexa let her tongue slide through her folds. She sucked her clit while pushing two fingers down her center. Clarke tried to close her legs around Lexa’s head but Lexa kept them open. After many moans and silent cries to the ceiling, Clarke let herself cum around Lexa’s fingers and Lexa helped her come down from her orgasm by letting her tongue gently go through her folds again. After Lexa’s turn they both laid down while holding each other and both being out of breathe. “That was a good initiation of our new house.” Lexa said and and they both chuckled. “It for sure was.” Clarke agreed and both of them closed their eyes and let the sleep take them away. 


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